am developing a timetable application that requires to make sound at times set by the user.i need an idea on how to make the application run at the backqround that is been able to access the phone time even when it has been exited.Just like normal alarm in phone.please your responds is highly needed.

Schedule the process using Windows Task Scheduler i.e. if you are on Windows platform or the GNome Task Scheduler for Ubuntu.

Schedule the process using Windows Task Scheduler i.e. if you are on Windows platform or the GNome Task Scheduler for Ubuntu.

Please make sure that you read question properly this is JME not standard Java application.

@justyno as to answer your question, no you can't do it due to midlet life cycle. When midlet on background it means that is paused and not running. Time scheduler is one of stupid tasks teachers like to give students, that only works if application running.

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