I am reading a text file from an input file. The problem is that when I cout the text to the screen not all of the original text file is showing. The text file is large, but I was wondering if there was any way I could possibly display all of it. Thanks!

I am reading a text file from an input file. The problem is that when I cout the text to the screen not all of the original text file is showing. The text file is large, but I was wondering if there was any way I could possibly display all of it. Thanks!

It would be nice if you post your code here. Make sure you post it with code tag.

Use fread function, search the cplusplus site for more information, it think it's a part of cstdlib

The text file is large, but I was wondering if there was any way I could possibly display all of it.

The console screen consists of 80*25 characters. If your file size is greater than that, then you cannot display entire file at a time. What you can do is, display a part of it (say, x characters) and ask the user to enter some character after which you can display the next x characters in the file.

Hope this helped.

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