I want to have the py2exe libraries on Linux so I can make exe files to use on Windows (I don't have Windows, but I'm making a program which I want to be available for Windows).

I'd really rather not use Wine on this one (besides, I've heard the executable files produced this way don't work). A reason I'd rather not use it is that I can't seem to install msi files (i.e. python2.5.msi) with Wine on Xubuntu. If you can tell me how to do that, I'll likely give it a try.

I don't think a cross platform compiler has been made. My suggestions:
Go to the library and compile stuff on those computers
create a cross platform compiler

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i think that using py2exe will work once youve moved the exe file onta a windows computer

Just remember that py2exe brings in some Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL) that are unique to the Windows OS.

You might be better off putting PortablePython onto a cheap USB flash drive.

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