please can u help me with all basic VB coding like... if command button is clicked from one form how can i link it to another form in the same project and a few examples of simple codings at the basic level... thankx a lot!

if u can tell some specific requirement of what exactly u need, so that we may b precise in helping u out.

Try something out like taking up a small project. say student database. adding and manipulating student records etc.

Plz have a start, then only u will be able to learn very easily.

I am sorry if i have said anything out of ur way. but my sincere advice is first make a start urself, help urself first to make us help u.
Shaik Akthar

i know a bit in VB so ive made frames as a VB project... now suppose in one frame there is a form n on clicking the subit button it sould be forwarded to another corresponding form of the same project n all these should hv a corresponding database at the back end... now... my first form is for employees so incase i enter the name/ID then the corresponding details like dept n mail- id n all should be retrieved automatically...
thnx a lot... n u don hv to b sorry!... infact thnx a tonne for the response!
i hope im clear enough now...

Ok. Plz take some time. I'll upload some sample code in a few hours. I need to prepare some documentation also for ur reference.

Shaik Akthar

"frmPast.Show" will load another form of the same project on clicking the button!..
thnx for the help all!

please can u help me with all basic VB coding like... if command button is clicked from one form how can i link it to another form in the same project and a few examples of simple codings at the basic level... thankx a lot!

Suppose that the second form is named frmSecond and has a Textbox named txtInput. The first form has a Command button named cmdFillInput.

I'm pretty sure that you can use:

Public Sub cmdFillInput_Click()
frmSecond.txtInput.Text = "Hi!"
End Sub

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