Hi, everyone! I wish i could find someone who is diligent in answering to my queries since i am a beginner when it talks about java. I understand visual basic very well since it was the language i used when i am doing my thesis, and now i am working, but now i would like to focus on java, but don't know how.. i also have knowledge with C, assembly language. Thank you very to whoever takes his/her time with me. God bless..

Welcome..don't worry..the experts will help u..jusk ask them..:)

thank you for the response. do you have knowledge with JAVA? how it can be programmed? sample to complex programs?

your questions are very vague...

hi silly boy. can you help me through the process? from the start.. thanks

not if i don't know what the process is

Hi, everyone! I wish i could find someone who is diligent in answering to my queries since i am a beginner when it talks about java. I understand visual basic very well since it was the language i used when i am doing my thesis, and now i am working, but now i would like to focus on java, but don't know how.. i also have knowledge with C, assembly language. Thank you very to whoever takes his/her time with me. God bless..

If you are "Starting Java" then there is a Sticky at the top of the thread list titled "Starting Java". You should refer to that and honestly posting this thread for just for announcing that !!! Really makes no sense, There are so many guys who are starting to learn Java, wonder what would happen if they all would start making threads on daniweb like yourself ??? :P

ok, thank you for all your concerns. i'll be starting to learn about it with all by myself, what i really mean to say is that, if there's someone who can guide me as i walk through it.. but for the meantime, i'll keep on reading and reading, with trial-and-error procedure. because, actually, i'll be starting from scratch..i have no any idea but i'm very willing to learn. maybe, one day or one time, i'll be posting questions or clarifications here, for you guys to help me to move on.. come on arvin, you can do it! thank you guys, and God bless..

You have already been offered help, only if you care enough to take it.

yes, i'll take it.. thanks.

yes, i'll take it.. thanks.

try and fail is a very good way to start. there's no way to avoid making big mistakes in your code like the one where you say: 'I know that doesn't work.'

don't ask for samples of "complex code", don't even look at them (yet).
very little olympic runners have started the race at the finish line, you know.

do you have knowledge with JAVA? how it can be programmed?

programming Java is a bit a foolish idea, programming using Java, on the other hand, may open a world of wonders. just start learning the syntax, even if that means starting off with the basics, like a simple "Hello World". trying to develop big projects without having a decent understanding about the limitations/restrictions of the syntax can cause serious head-aches

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