I have been in some tutorials for socket Module. It is very interesting.
I want to know what I need to Know to make simple peer to peer/Client server Chat software but I'm new to Network, so anything that will help me put things together?

Thanks Guys :)

Your goals are still VERY vague, but the bottom line is that for most peer-to-peer chat programs, you will open a socket between the two computers. Whether they hold the socket open (likely) or open and close it is an implementation detail.

To get the socket initially established, one of the peers needs to be 'listening' for a connection on a port. The other peer must then attempt to open the socket where the first peer is listening. (You could potentially do this on one computer for testing.) Once the socket is established, the contents of the data stream are up to your application. The first parts sent across the link would commonly be an exchange of user identification and/or authentication.

Thanks all.
Paul, I also enjoyed the same tutorial too. The only thing I wanted to know if there is anything I need to know before attempting writting my Own chat program. According to Murtan, peer to peer is easy. What if I want to use yahoo server or msan or etc or my own server how can this be accomplished?

The only thing I wanted to know if there is anything I need to know before attempting writting my Own chat program.

Sorry to damper your spirits but a good (better than ~workable) knowledge of threading would be a must, re module for filtering out curses(if you want to), file io for logs, and a working chat protocol (like IRC) to use (or create your own)...

What's the point in writing your own chat program anyway ? What will it have that existing great chat programs don't have ?

Peronally grib, i do a lot of projects that are already done. I mean for the most part there a very few things that havent been done before and there is a learning experience in it so i can understand exactly why he is doing it.

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