Just recently we were given an assignment. We had to construct a GUI which maps out tomtom(navigator) coordinates into google maps and linear graphs. For bonus marks a feature was to be able to change the language of the gui (english to spanish etc)
Our tutor had instructed us that no help will be provided from uni staff and that we must research the issue ourselves.

Will anyone be able to guide me into a certain direction? i am not asking for code, but just a simple tutorial or approach to how i can tackle this situation.

Thank you for considering this email :)

Which aspects of the assignment are you having difficulties with?

I think, you want to add i18n (internationalization); multiple culture and language feature into your application. Can you tell me about your application whether it is web or desktop?

This can be done through Localizationa and globalization in .net

Thanks a lot for the replies!
I have just looked up some i18n (internationalization) tutorials. It is pretty much what i am looking for. I wasn't sure what to use to implement the language feature. That's where i needed the assistance.
We are constructing a desktop application btw :D

If i have anymore issues, i will re-post. Thanks again!

Thanks a lot for the replies!
I have just looked up some i18n (internationalization) tutorials. It is pretty much what i am looking for. I wasn't sure what to use to implement the language feature. That's where i needed the assistance.
We are constructing a desktop application btw :D

If i have anymore issues, i will re-post. Thanks again!

have you consider using Swing Application Framework, this framework already manage internationalization. They use resource bundle (properties file) for the swing component (text, color, font, etc).

Use Netbeans 6 for simple approach, it is already using Swing Application Framework for its default Desktop Application Project, just study the sample code.

Hope will help.

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