I think I master the basics of C++ that good I can move, not all though there are many things still I don't know of course. I've made applications with mysql and made my own little roleplaying game and some calculator like things. Basically noobie like programs with no graphics at all :) All of cource in command line.
I wondered where should I progress now? To learn windows API or MFC? I don't really know thats why I really came to ask you guys if you got any ideas where should I move now?
Suggest anything from books to tutorials and all...
I would really like to try something like windows API or MFC with proper tutorial or book for beginner like me.

Regards, Silvershaft
Sorry my bad english

I could try that a bit though it looks a bit confusing for me still but keep suggesting things!

Project euler? That would give you experience in solving problems.
wxwidgets for gui programs.
SDL and OpenGL for graphics.
Maybe portaudio for sound.
Learn C++ thoroughly.
From here, you can try low level programming like x86 assembly (which will benefit higher level programming), or you can try higher level programming with java or C#.
If you get to here, than congratulations! It's safe to say you know how to program.

About openGL is it easy to use and such? I could really go for that because it sounds interesting!

About openGL is it easy to use and such? I could really go for that because it sounds interesting!

I don't know, I never used it before (I like retro style games). But This look's promising.

I don't know, I never used it before (I like retro style games). But This look's promising.

I guess I try it I found another site with awesome tutorials also! I hope I really learn something!

if you want graphics, i recommend you try java and java gui programming. its far easier than mfc and windows direct x programming, though it is challenging as well.

also you will learn a new language and java laguage that every programmer must know.

however do not let go of c++ as well. make complex programs, and also learn socket programming.

despite java being the rage these days, you still are restricted in java programming, for example(you can not explictly delete an object in java like you can in c++). in c++ programming you are not restricted at all and you have all the power that you need and want which can become quite the downfall of some programmers.

Should I try learn windows API or something? I don't really know if I want to change language to java

Should I try learn windows API or something? I don't really know if I want to change language to java

I only spet a few days learning java years ago, so I wouldent say "java laguage that every programmer must know", but it is a good language. It is simular to C++ in a sence, and is probably the most portable language in the world not including scripting languages.
Learning different api's will also improve your knowledge and ability to get stuff done. I don't program on windows, however from my understanding, most windows programmers are chosing the .NET framwork over the windows API. In fact, some *nix programmers use the .NET framework.

So should I learn java or .NET how similar java really is? Can someone tell a bit more please. Thanks for replys!

First decide what you want to do.
Then decide on appropriate tools.

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