What I want to do must be easy because I can't find it on the web.
I have existing C code with char* strings all over the place. I'd like to get those strings to the Form1.h file so I can use them there. All I want is...
String^ newText;
newText = String(oldCharStarString);

But I get error C2440:
Cannot convert from 'System::String' to 'System::String^'

Why not?



try this ->

newText = new String(oldCharStarString);



you can also try following:

char* ConvertString2Chars ( System::String* strValue)
  char* charArray = (char*) System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(strValue).ToPointer();
  return charArray;

/// convert-function (char* => String)
System::String* ConvertChars2String ( const char* charArray )
  return charArray;

hope this helps

The first suggestin worked. Thank you very much.
And thanks to DaniWeb. No where else on the web could I find the answer.
One small addition. The compiler wanted gcnew instead of new. Like this...
newText = gcnew String(oldCharStarString);


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