Hi I'm creating an application and in DEBUG mode I have zero errors, but when I switch to RELEASE I have this error:

--------------------Configuration: ipfix - Win32 Release--------------------
Command line error D2016 : '/ZI' and '/O2' command-line options are incompatible
Error executing cl.exe.

Can you help me please,

Thanks, Regards

It's just what the error says. You can't have that particular debugging switch active when optimizing for speed. Under your project settings, the general tab in C/C++, you can change Debug Information Format to disabled.

Thanks :)

Check your compiler optimisation switches in project properties or something (I havn't used VC++ ide ever but I guess they're in there somewhere)

If you look here:

You will see that command line switch /ZI means include debugging symbols

/O2 means compile 'fast' code

They are obviously mutualy exclusive you can't compile lots of debug code in AND have fast code!

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