
i creating java apps to edit windows registry ....

it is fine in Xp but in Vista its need admin privileges..

how do get it programmatic-ally...

in .net app.manifest is there..but in java anything is for admin privil..


i creating java apps to edit windows registry ....

it is fine in Xp but in Vista its need admin privileges..

how do get it programmatic-ally...

You don't. You'd have to execute under a different user, of course.

in .net app.manifest is there..but in java anything is for admin privil..

Yes, the user under which it executes.

in .net it is successfully going...

i don't know y u answering negatively...

Then use .Net

commented: haha +11

I extremely sorry if offend you in any way...

my requirements is like that...

i need java steps to write registry with admin privileges...


Then you need to use a user with admin privileges. I don't know why that is so hard for you to understand.

The only thing you can do with Java in the registry are the "preferences" type entries anyway, and if you are using the "user root" instead of the "system root" there is no problem. If you need to use the "system root", then you need to use a user with admin privileges.

Otherwise you are using command line tools or JNI, and you still need to remain within the system security processes.

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