hi I want my delphi db programm to run automatically in resolution 1024.768 and when I close the programm it returens to previous resolution (windowes resolution)like the most games
what should I do?

The Form Event Section can be set this parameters

procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);

thx but sry I didnt mean that I want to change width and height:(:'( ,I want my programm to be like computer games ,for example the setting of ur windows resolution is 800 in 600 and when u open a game the resolution of ur windows will change automatically to 1024 in 764 and u play the game,and when u close the game everything will back automatically to normal (default setting of ur windows),so I want my delphi programm to open in 1024 in 764 and when I click on end everything comes back to windows default resolution that u have chosen before...

thx but sry I didnt mean that I want to change width and height:(:'( ,I want my programm to be like computer games ,for example the setting of ur windows resolution is 800 in 600 and when u open a game the resolution of ur windows will change automatically to 1024 in 764 and u play the game,and when u close the game everything will back automatically to normal (default setting of ur windows),so I want my delphi programm to open in 1024 in 764 and when I click on end everything comes back to windows default resolution that u have chosen before...

HI thx for the site that u suggested for resolution...I craeted the form and it works ...but I have from each resolution in the listbox 4 times repeated! for example :800x600 256 color 800x600 256 color 800x600 256 color 800x600 256 color ,....what is the problem>?

Can you post your code? It would be easier to identify the error.


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