Hi All,
I'm developing a new seo tool.I began my tool by converting aspx pages to html pages.I'm doing this by

mywebReq = WebRequest.Create(pageURL);
            mywebResp = mywebReq.GetResponse();
            sr = new StreamReader(mywebResp.GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
            strHTML = sr.ReadToEnd();
            sw = File.CreateText(filePath+"temp.html");

codes.But didn't get the exact page html from my converted html page.

this is converted html page : http://www.videoticaret.com/city/temp.html

this is aspx page :

In html page the menu doesn't work, but in aspx page menu works.

When i compared the two page by winmerge tool ( which compares word by word) , i saw some style texts and some CDATA text not takes place in html page.

I'm asking that question , WHY ?

And, How can i solve the problem ?


well this type of problem generally happen in case of converting tools...
No one tool can convert your application completely..........!!!

Hey, I solved my problem, my tool now converts any aspx page with ajax and styled sheeted and javascript to html page without any error.

My Google Seo tool works perfect, who want to get this seo tool to increase their place can contact me over here. Thanks for all.

coding is great.

Is there a reason you want to convert the pages from programmable ASP.NET to static HTML? I would use a URL rewriting solution instead to get all the programmability of ASP.NET while also having SEO-friendly URLs.

There are canned solutions available (built into IIS7 or you can use a tool like ISAPI Rewrite for IIS6/IIS5), or you can simply program your own solution. You can then create rules to map an example SEO-friendly URL http://www.yoursite.com/city/chicago.aspx to what your site may want to see, http://www.yoursite.com/city/default.aspx?city=chicago

Hello expvice,
Please inform how you done to convert aspx to Html.
I have the same problem.

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