how could I make the function count?.. its a test marked out of 5, so if the user enters 1,1,2,2,4,5,
then the output= 2 people got 1 mark, 2 people got 2 marks and 0 got 3 marks and so on?... i dnt knw if my code is even right.. plz help

def mark():
    marks=input("please enter the marks: ")
    finish=raw_input("have you finished yes/no: ")
print " student(s) got 0 marks
 student(s) got 1 marks
 student(s) got 2 marks
 student(s) got 3 marks
 student(s) got 4 marks
 student(s) got 5 marks"

If you want to print it out, then it's best to print out how many people got a certain amount of marks before starting the function again. Then you have no way of retrieving the data if you write over it. Also, you need:
if finish == no:

instead of

finish = no

I'm sorry if this doesn't help but I don't get what you mean by making the function 'count' and how the user enters stuff. Could you please explain better, and I could help you further.


If you want to print it out, then it's best to print out how many people got a certain amount of marks before starting the function again. Then you have no way of retrieving the data if you write over it. Also, you need:
if finish == no:

instead of

finish = no

I'm sorry if this doesn't help but I don't get what you mean by making the function 'count' and how the user enters stuff. Could you please explain better, and I could help you further.


well basically the usr has to enter the marks the students got, then the function should ask them if they have finished yet. If they have then it should output the numbr of students who have got the certain marjs such if the user enters 4,4 then the output should 0 students got 1 mark, 0 got 2 marks and so on but 2 students got 4 marks... the maximum mark is 5...

i dnt knw if my code is even right.. plz help

No is far from right,this you should know if you try to run it.

Look at this one more time,to you think this will run?

print " student(s) got 0 marks
 student(s) got 1 marks
 student(s) got 2 marks
 student(s) got 3 marks
 student(s) got 4 marks
 student(s) got 5 marks"

And this with singel quote will no work """ my multiline text """ .

Just to show one way to count.

def mark():    
    m1,m2 = 0,0  
    for i in range(5):  #just for test ask 5 times,you can use a while loop and breake out if no
        marks = raw_input("please enter the marks: ")        
        if marks == '1':            
            m1 += 1  #a counting method        
        elif marks == '2':            
            m2 += 1           
    print '%s student got:1' %  (m1)
    print '%s student got:2' %  (m2)

please enter the marks: 1
please enter the marks: 1
please enter the marks: 1
please enter the marks: 2
please enter the marks: 2
3 student got:1
2 student got:2

If there are many user that will enter data you have to return data out off this(your funtction) to save student marks count.
No if you run mark() several times it will off course reset student count every time.

If this is a school assignment is better that you copy in the correct text for assignment so we dont have to guess.
And come upp with something better than your first code.

If you want to print it out, then it's best to print out how many people got a certain amount of marks before starting the function again. Then you have no way of retrieving the data if you write over it. Also, you need:
if finish == no:

instead of

finish = no

I'm sorry if this doesn't help but I don't get what you mean by making the function 'count' and how the user enters stuff. Could you please explain better, and I could help you further.


No is far from right,this you should know if you try to run it.

Look at this one more time,to you think this will run?

print " student(s) got 0 marks
 student(s) got 1 marks
 student(s) got 2 marks
 student(s) got 3 marks
 student(s) got 4 marks
 student(s) got 5 marks"

And this with singel quote will no work """ my multiline text """ .

Just to show one way to count.

def mark():    
    m1,m2 = 0,0  
    for i in range(5):  #just for test ask 5 times,you can use a while loop and breake out if no
        marks = raw_input("please enter the marks: ")        
        if marks == '1':            
            m1 += 1  #a counting method        
        elif marks == '2':            
            m2 += 1           
    print '%s student got:1' %  (m1)
    print '%s student got:2' %  (m2)

please enter the marks: 1
please enter the marks: 1
please enter the marks: 1
please enter the marks: 2
please enter the marks: 2
3 student got:1
2 student got:2

If there are many user that will enter data you have to return data out off this(your funtction) to save student marks count.
No if you run mark() several times it will off course reset student count every time.

If this is a school assignment is better that you copy in the correct text for assignment so we dont have to guess.
And come upp with something better than your first code.

here is the actual question:

A test at a university is marked out of 5. Write a function testMarks that
allows a lecturer to input the unit marks of all her students, providing a
suitable way for her to say she's finished entering marks. The function
should then output the number of students who have achieved each
possible mark. For example, if the lecturer enters the marks 4, 0, 4, 1,
1, 4, 3 and 5, the function should output:
1 student(s) got 0 marks
2 student(s) got 1 marks
0 student(s) got 2 marks
1 student(s) got 3 marks
3 student(s) got 4 marks
1 student(s) got 5 marks

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