On another forum. This guy warns me to not bump a thread.


Then he makes his post disappear. Then I get banned. A couple other of my fav threads had him as the final respondant. Does he bully others there. Good thing I do screen captures of my posts otherwise there would be no proof. I think he is employed by MS so he was probably put up to it..

anyway I'm looking for a simple upload program that will take 2 lines of info and update mp3 metadata. Line 1 will have all the "genre=" "artist=" "year=" "track=" info as you would like and line 2 would have the path to the music. c:\search\songs\me_singing.mp3

I'd like to completely change all my mp3 metadata at the drop of a hat. And change it right back if I like. Having 3 or 4 different MD sets for my music.

Maybe it was my views on MetaData that got me banned???

Well not being a member of that site I can only give you the views of other sites...

1) It is considered impolite to bump your own threads prior to a day or two having elapsed.

Reason: In general, with forums, when you ask a question, a person will either know the answer, know where the answer might be found, or is clueless. Now, when someone replies to your question to what the other knowledgeable people consider to be the correct answer, more than likely they will leave the thread alone. However, if your question is convoluted with a bunch of vague questions, i.e. help, codeless, or just unreadable/understandable most will pass it by and maybe even be miffed at you having wasted their time/bandwidth. Then there are those sites that nearly demand that you show the code you are having problems with.

2) It is downright rude to resurrect dead threads to ask your own question.

Reason: Most of these sites offer e-mail notification not only for the OP (Original Poster), but for all others that have replied to the thread. Thus, resurrecting a thread, sends an email to the OP and all those who have replied or opted to "subscribe" to the thread.

3) Hijacking someone else’s thread to ask your own question, whether on topic or not is down right rude.

Reason: Do I really need to answer this one???

4) Asking or re-asking the same question from a previous thread you have started is very rude.

Reason: You have asked the question once. Be patient, not every member of the site has seen it yet and then there are the hidden costs of doing this. This not only splits up where the potential answer is, it adds to the taxation upon the system because you are adding unnecessary records and when people search the site looking for the same answer, there are now two threads and more than likely, only one holds the answer.

5) Asking a common question. Like how to write out a text file and then read it in can be frustrating to those willing to answer questions.

Reason: Did you search the sites threads or if they have one, the fact section, and some sites have a codebank section. Did you search the web with your friends (yahoo, google, ask, answers, bing)? A lot of questions have been answered before and more than likely, if you have wondered how to do it, so has someone else. So show a little initiative and see if you can find the answer yourself.

6) Be sure you are posting in the correct forum.

Reason: Just because you have something that says Visual Basic that was released in 2008 does not mean you have Visual Basic 6.0 (yes my pet peeve to see .net questions asked in a classic vb6.0 forum).

Also, while not very interesting to read, most sites have a posting policy pinned to the top of their thread display. One should always at least peruse it just to be sure and some sites have facts that tell you how to search and how to post to get the best, fastest, answer to your question.

Now, this site even has a thread pinned at the top where I give a listing of sites and forums that have free code for not only the beginner, but the advanced.

Okay, now to answer your question....

It is time to use your friends (yahoo, google, ask, answers, bing) because this question has been asked before and I know that there are several solutions out there ready for your perusal. But if you really want to get down and dirty, see http://www.wotsit.org. Also, see PSC (http://www.planetsourcecode.com) if you cannot find your answer with your friends.

Good Luck

1) It is considered impolite to bump your own threads prior to a day or two having elapsed.

It wasn't my old thread that got resurrected. But it is a topic I am an expert in. MetaData. Who gets to make the call when a discussion is closed forever. Some topics topics should always remain open. MetaData is one Desktop Search is another.

3) Hijacking someone else’s thread to ask your own question, whether on topic or not is down right rude.

So start another thread with the same title. Or never bring up the topic again because it has been "fully covered" what crap.

So you seem to have no problem with someone pretending to be a mod (working for microsoft) shooing people away and baiting them only to remove the offending post. You think that's OK I guess. I got banned and that skinny ass cheat is still there. Merrily going about his evil ways. I guess that speaks loudly for that Channel9 forum.

On the following thread I'm defending my position on MetaData In case anyone is interested.

They haven't banned me and I'm being awful nice since the Channel9 putdown.

And a good uploader to go with the EXTRACT app, for those dumb asses that just must have MD info in their .mp3 files.

Well, from your language here, I can see why you might have been banned. Please remember that these are public forums and as such your language could offend. You should also remember that because some of these higher level languages are so easy to learn, like classic vb and vba, that these forums are not only populated by college age, but also high school and even middle school children. In fact, I'm surprised this site's filter did not catch some of your language and replace those letters with asterisks or some other character.

Also sir, from your reaction to my post, I'm thinking, and I don't know you from adam, but I'm thinking that you are easily baited and that might be part of your problem. It's a wonderful thing these forums. They allow us to type in what we are feeling and then stop before we hit that submit button, so that we can go back with calmer heads and rewrite what we want to say in a much more/less eloquent way. And sir, not knowing you from adam, I would suggest that you learn/start to practice some restraint in your posts.

Good Luck with your defense on your position and good luck on your search...

Also sir, from your reaction to my post, I'm thinking, and I don't know you from adam, but I'm thinking that you are easily baited and that might be part of your problem. It's a wonderful thing these forums. They allow us to type in what we are feeling and then stop before we hit that submit button, so that we can go back with calmer heads and rewrite what we want to say in a much more/less eloquent way. And sir, not knowing you from adam, I would suggest that you learn/start to practice some restraint in your posts.

Good Luck with your defense on your position and good luck on your search...

There is no doubt that I have done some baiting too. It is the quickest way to get responses. I realize my search isn't perfect, but wanted to know all the rediculous arguments that could be made against it. And there are many. In the process it has become apparent that metadata is a key battleground of data ownership. Is it your data or the MusicFolksData. Until your rip it from their icy grip like I do with the MP3 info extract, it is the MFP's data. Not yours or mine.

P.S. I still would like someone to do a .mp3 EXTRACT that would work well with my SSDS Spectate Swamp Desktop Search. And a mp3 LOADER that would take that info and put it back into the target MP3's. It would be super if people could do their own metadata. And not depend on the Music Folks.

All SSDS needs it a "photo " on the first text line with the MD in a format that the loader can use eg "Artist=" "gendre=' ... And the second line of the pair have "xxx." and the path to the target song. Ie "xxx.c:\search\mymusic\me_singing.mp3" People might want to have 2 or 3 different sets of personal MP3 metadata for their songs. I'm sure that won't sit well with the MFD's of the world.

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