I need visual basic code for inputing name and address to 2 separate text box then display in address label....

label1.caption = text1.text + text2.text

I give you a very simple code. you can modify it as your requirement.


after reading this come back with your code and I wll gladly help if there are any errors.

Im trying to input information like the first name, last name , address , state city and zip code in each designated text boxes then Display the lines of output for a mailing address in 3 lines lebels.. Sorry Im really new to vb I hope you can help me....

Address Labels diplays should read like this:

Line 1 the first name and last name concatenated together with a space betweet
Line 2 the street address
Line 3 the city, state and zip code concatenated together. (Make sure to concatenate a comma and a space bet the city and state, using "," and two spaces bet the state and zip code.

Thank you again for your help...

label1.caption = text1.text + text2.text

I give you a very simple code. you can modify it as your requirement.

thank you Abu Taher for your replay.. I will try this code and I will let you know....

try this

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim a As String
Dim b As String
a = Text1.Text
b = Text2.Text
s = Space(3) '3 mean how many space....you can change it
Label1.Caption = a + s + b
End Sub
label1.caption = text1.text + text2.text

I give you a very simple code. you can modify it as your requirement.


How can I concatenate two spaces between the state and zip code?

Thanks again in advance....

use 2 instead 3. like

s = Space(2)

use 2 instead 3. like

s = Space(2)

Thank you so much for your time I really appreciate it... I can now sleep well ....


Im trying to do my initial statement for not showing my picture box what is the code ?

Do you mean that you want to hide that picture box at the startup of the form?
if not, then i dont get you question.

Do you mean that you want to hide that picture box at the startup of the form?
if not, then i dont get you question.

yes i don't want the picture box showin when I first run my program... How can i do this? but after clicking the button it should come out...

yes i don't want the picture box showin when I first run my program... How can i do this? but after clicking the button it should come out...

Go to properties windows of Picturebox and make Visible=False


write this code by double clicking on form1:

Private sub form1_load()
End sub

Then to get this picture box by clicking on button write this code by double cliking on button:

Private sub Button1_Click()
End sub

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