hey there, i am creating a program, and i have text fields such as Customer Name, address, postcode, telephone email etc.
and i also have a button 'add record'

what do i have to code in add record to actualy save the records.. will i have to make a file in microsoft access and access them through there, or can i access the records through my program... i would also want the feature to edit records.

>can i access the records through my program.

Yes. Create MS-Access database file and start to learn ADO.NET oledb provider classes.

Try to write code and if you run into problems and want to ask for help here.

im really confused. i have visual basic 2005. do i have to download Ado?
can you give me a website which will start me off. thanks

>do i have to download Ado?
No. It is an extended class library of .net framework.
>can you give me a website which will start me off.
See link ADO.NET[/b] at post #2.

isnt there any way, i could do this via a Module on visual basic....??

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