I got a problem while making a new program.
I am trying to make an interactive menu from which
people can choose the type of the table they want.
So the source (I won't release all of it just the part I got the problem)

box[20][75]={  "__________________________________________________________________________",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",
                       "|                                                                        |",

/*about here is the menu which adds value 1 for 1st selection value 2 for second and 3for 3rd*/
int counter=1;
    box[20][50]=8; //these values are just for a demonstration they
//might not be accurate to the box above.

The demical 8 is linked to backspace, but when I compile and run the source instead of removing 20 "_" it removes only 1. I dunno why so thats why I ask. Compiler I am using DevC++

'\b' (or 8) only does it one time, not 20 times.

Hmm too bad... :(:(. I guess you understand what I am trying to do
right? Its not so much of a functional problem rather than a
visual program. I would appreciate if someone could tell me
how to remove data from a table.

I am not sure if this will help, but could you over write the data you want to be removed, with spaces ?

commented: my thoughts too +26
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