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I have 2 classes inside bluej, member class and trip class so when I make a member object with student ID, name and course, how can I make an ArrayList or HashSet on trip class which needs to store those students. If you have used bluej you know what I am talking about.
here is my trip class code:

import java.util.*;
* Write a description of class Trip here.
* @author (your name) 
* @version (a version number or a date)
public class Trip
private String code;
private String pName;
private String venue;
private Date tDate;
private double cost;
private int mMember;
private int aPoints;

* Constructor for Trip Class
* Task 1.1
public Trip(String codeC, String pNameC, String venueC, double costC, int mMemberC, int aPointsC)
code = codeC;
pName = pNameC;
venue = venueC;
cost = costC;
mMember = mMemberC;
aPoints = aPointsC;
allStudents = new ArrayList<Member>();


* Mutator for setting date
* if Date has already been created just type object name eg date1
* the date from date1 will be copied to Trip date
* Task 1.2
public void setDate(Date enterDate)
tDate = enterDate;

* Accessor for Trip code
* Returns Trip code
* Task 1.3
public String getTripCode()
return code;

* Accessor for title (pName)
* Returns performance title
* Task 1.3
public String getTitle()
return pName;

* Accessor for cost
* Return title cost in double
* Task 1.3
public double getCost()
return cost;

* Accessor for date
* Returns Date
* Task 1.3
public Date getDate()
return tDate;

* Method for returning trip details as String
* Task 1.4
public String getTripDetails()
return ("Trip code is " + code + " Trip title is " + pName + " The venue is at " + venue + " It is held on " + tDate + " Ticket cost is " + cost + " Maximum members allowed is " + mMember + " Attendance points are " + mMember);


BlueJ is just a tool and doesn't provide different/unusual/strange/special Java code, so no point mentioning it.
As for HashSet you can read this tutorial

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