It compiles and runs, but after "Here is the starting empty cubes vector" prints, I get this message:

Debug Assertion Failed!

Expression: vector subscript out of range

Can someone help me, please?

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

// Cubed integers
class cubes
   int cube; // The vector position cubed
   // Constructors
       cubes    ()      {cube = -1;}
       cubes    (int c) {cube = c * c * c;}

   int get_cube ()      {return cube;}

// Overloaded operators
bool operator< (cubes a, cubes b) {return a.get_cube() <  b.get_cube();}
bool operator==(cubes a, cubes b) {return a.get_cube() == b.get_cube();}

void show_vector  (vector<cubes> &v);
   // Show the vector specifications and contents

int main()
   vector<cubes> v;                       // A vector
   vector<cubes>::iterator p_v;          // An iterator
   vector<cubes>::reverse_iterator rp_v; // A reverse iterator
   unsigned int i;                       // Counter variable

   // Show the specs and contents of the starting vector
   cout << "\n\nHere is the starting empty cubes vector:";

   // Add 6 cubes and show the vector
   cout << "\n\nAdding the first 6 cubes to the vector:";
   for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)

   // Delete even cubes and show the vector
   cout << "\n\nDeleting the even cubes from the vector:";
   p_v = v.begin();
   for(i = 0; i < (int) v.size(); i++)
      v.erase(p_v + i);

   // Reinsert the even cubes and show the vector
   cout << "\n\nInserting the even cubes back into the vector:";
   p_v = v.begin();
   for(i = 0; i < (int) v.size(); i += 2)
      v.insert(p_v + i, v[i].get_cube());

   // Add 4 cubes and show the vector
   cout << "\n\nAdding the next 4 cubes to the end of the vector:";
   p_v = v.end();
   for(i = 6; i <= 9; i++)
      v.insert(p_v, v[i].get_cube());

   // Add 4 empty cubes and show the vector
   cout << "\n\nAdding 4 empty cubes to the end of the vector:";
   for(i = 10; i <= 13; i++)

   // Remove the empty cubes and show the vector
   cout << "\n\nRemoving the last 4 empty cubes from the vector:";
   for(i = 1; i <= 4; i++)

   // Show the vector contents in forward and reverse order
   cout << "\n\nPrinting the cubes with an iterator, then with a "
        <<     "reverse iterator:";
   for(p_v = v.begin(); p_v <= v.end(); p_v++)
      cout << "\n   " << p_v->get_cube() << " ";
   for(rp_v = v.rbegin(); rp_v <= v.rend(); rp_v++)
      cout << "\n   " << rp_v->get_cube() << " ";

   // Clear the vector
   cout << "\n\nRemoving all cubes from the vector:";

   return 0;

void show_vector(vector<cubes> &v)
   unsigned int i,       // Counter variable
                sum = 0; // The sum of the vector contents

   for(i = 0; i <= (int) v.size(); i++)
      sum += v[i].get_cube();

   cout <<  "  Size: "     << (int) v.size()
        << " - Sum: "      << sum
        << " - Capacity: " << v.capacity()
        << " - Max Size: " << v.max_size();
   cout <<  "  Cubes Vector contents: ";
   for(i = 0; i <= (int) v.size(); i++)
      cout << v[i].get_cube();

i think the error you are getting is on line 65. you are starting with the subscript 6 but i believe the vector has only 6 elements so the last subscript would be 5. why don't you just use push_back for each element instead of insert since you are adding them to the end of the vector.

Thank you for your answer, but I changed the numbers you mention to 5 and 8, and I still get the same error at the same spot.

I am required to use insert where I do, or else I would definitely use push_back instead.

   cout << "\n\nAdding the first 6 cubes to the vector:";
   for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)  

sorry for that:) i presed tab:). I think line 41 is your problem. A constructor does not return a type so i don't see what your v vector would contain.

alright i figured it out. it is from line 104. you have for(i = 0; i <= (int) v.size(); i++) when it should be for(i = 0; i //<// (int) v.size(); i++) since you are doing <= you will run to size when you actually want to stop after size - 1

Sorry I forgot. This also applies to line 112. and one other thing on line you are using a iterator after you change the vector. A iterator to a vector is no longer usable after the vector has been changed. sorry but you are going to have another way to do this.

Hi Nathan.You didn't say nothing about that constructor being pushed back into the vector. Am i wrong? Cause i trust you know better and i'm really curious.

Sorry i didn't see how the get_cube() function was being used. I get it now.

at caut_baia

assuming we have class Foo

vector<Foo> bar

this is perfectly legal to do.

Yes i know.I just skimmed too fast and failed to see that accessor being used .. get_cube().

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