
I want to display content of text boxes in its tool tip how it can be done.



I want to display content of text boxes in its tool tip how it can be done.


Just Get the properties of textbox then find the property tooltip text then type some text with you want to display at run time

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but i belive this will display the text i set evertime when the user moves the mouse close to it. But i want to display the actual content of text box in tool tip.
This i want because some textbox are small due to space on form but text in textbox is long and half text remains hidden. i want to display whole text in tool tip when user moves the mouse curser close to it.


Under your text box MouseMove event the following -

Private Sub Text1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

Text1.ToolTipText = Text1.Text
End Sub


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