hey anybody know how to filter contents in ReportViewer during 'run-time'?
somebody told me to read this http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms252125%28v=vs.80%29.aspx
but this doesn't help at all because it filters
contents in design time. What I need is to filter contents in 'run-time'.
thanks in advance :?:

>What I need is to filter contents in 'run-time'.

set new data source.

 Me.DataSet1.yourTable.DefaultView.RowFilter = "column_name='data'"
 yourBindingSource.DataSource = Me.DataSet1.yourTable.DefaultView

Hey sir I've tried your codes. Thanks!:)

Me.binfo_ds.table1_1.DefaultView.RowFilter = "FacultyID='123'"   
table1_1BindingSource.DataSource = Me.binfo_ds.table1_1.DefaultView

I was just wondering if there's a way of getting the value
from a TextBox such as:


instead of


I think i have figured it out. Thanks for your help! :)

Me.binfo_ds.table1_1.DefaultView.RowFilter = "FacultyID = '" & TextBox1.Text & "'"
table1_1BindingSource.DataSource = Me.binfo_ds.table1_1.DefaultView

how can that be grouped?
eg daily sales data grouped into monthly sales data.

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