static variable and static function programs.

So, what do you wanna know?
A field declared with the static modifier is called a static variable.
Static variables - if they are marked as public they are accessed without a class reference.
For intance:

class class1
    public static string myVar = "abc";

class class2
     public class2
         string myVar2 = class1.myVar;

What else would you like to know?

what is static variable and static function

A static variable is one that doesn't require an instance of the class to access.
A static method is one that doesn't require an instance of the class to access.

public class MyClass {
    static public int myStaticInt = 3;
    public int myNonstaticInt = 5;

    static public void MyStaticMethod() {
        Console.WriteLine(myNonstaticInt);  // Error! Need an instance of the class!

    public void MyNonstaticMethod() {

I do not the understand the Code . And what is use of this code "Console.WriteLine(StaticExample.ivar.ToString();

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            StaticExample.ivar = 1;

    public class StaticExample
        public static int ivar;

If you want to access some non-static member inside some class FROM a static method, you need an instance of that class:

class Program
    private int myFiled = 1;

    static void Main(string[] args)
       //You can NOT do:
       int a = myField; //myField is not accessible!!
       //what you have to do, is to create a new reference of the class the variable is in:
       Program p = new Program();
       int b = p.myField; //this is OK!!

     //for example, if you have a non-static class:
     private void MyMethod()
          //you can access to class`s members:
          int c = myField; //this is OK!!

The same you do if the field (or some other member) needs to be accessed in some other class.

Hope this is clear enough how to access static members. The bottom line is, that you canNOT access to class members outside of the static class WITHOUT an instance of a class (in our case, an instance is p).

I can't believe someone replied to the OP. That's probably the worst post I've ever seen on Daniweb.

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