Can you suggest a program that i can submit?
I need your help for suggestions..
any programs that involves GUI..
simple programs could be..

Thank you!

Write a GUI program that has 3 text fields. Get two values in the two text fields and display sum in the third field. ANd Use a button to do this...
(assuming ure just starting out)

GUI is just a shell wrapping around your real work. In other words, it is more like a presentation. If you have done any program that displays results on monitor, you can add GUI to it, such as replace how you enter inputs or display the output.

Write a GUI program that has 3 text fields. Get two values in the two text fields and display sum in the third field. ANd Use a button to do this...
(assuming ure just starting out)

It is just my first time.. we have a project in school.. can you suggest any simple but useful program that i can submit? thank you for helping.. i really need this..

GUI is just a shell wrapping around your real work. In other words, it is more like a presentation. If you have done any program that displays results on monitor, you can add GUI to it, such as replace how you enter inputs or display the output.

i have done some GUI examples but i do not know how to arrange the buttons i made... can you help me on how to code in making specific location of the buttons i made? i really need it for my project.. thank you so much for your reply..

Try BorderLayout. I'll try to give you a step-by-step walkthrough:

  1. Create a JFrame - public class MyFrame extends JFrame { ... }
  2. Get the content pane - JPanel contentPane = (JPanel) this.getContentPane()
  3. Set layout manager to BorderLayout - contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout())
  4. Add a text area in the centre of the frame - contentPane.add(new JTextArea("my text"), BorderLayout.CENTER)
  5. Add a button to the top of the frame - contentPane.add(new JButton("my button"), BorderLayout.NORTH)
  6. Make the frame visible so you can actually see all of this - this.setVisible(true)

Some slightly more difficult things to try:

  • Create the JButton and JTextArea outside of the method call so that you can reference them with a variable later - private JButton myButton = new JButton("my button");
  • Create a listener for the button, that changes the text in the JTextArea when it is clicked - myButton.addActionListener(this) , and put code into an actionPerformed(...) method
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