I'm trying to read in the following text file:

Jim Nasium  
Fitness & Leisure       

Lazy Susan  
Home Furnishings    

Gene Theory
Fine Jewelry        

And I have the following code:

public abstract class Employee {
    private String name;
    private double grossPay;
    private double netPay;
    private final double TAX_RATE = 28.0;

    /* Constructors */
    public Employee() {

    abstract public void computePay();

    public double computeTax() {
        return (TAX_RATE/100.0)*grossPay;

    public String toString() {
        String retString = "";
        retString = "Name: " + this.getName() + "n";
        retString += "Gross Salary: " + this.grossPay + "n";
        retString += "Tax: " + computeTax() + "n";
        retString += "Net Salary: " + this.netPay + "n";
        return retString;

    public void setNetPay(double pay) {
        this.netPay = pay;

    public double getNetPay() {
        return netPay;

    public void setGrossPay(double pay) {
        this.grossPay = pay;

    public double getGrossPay() {
        return grossPay;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

public class Managers extends Employee implements Bonuses {
    private String department;
    private double bonus;
    private final double BONUS_RATE = 1.0;
    private String name;
    private String jobType;
    private Double income;
    private double tax;

    /* Constructors */
    public Managers() 

    public void inputInfo(String s, String inL)
            name = inL;
        else if(s.equals("title"))
            jobType = inL;
        else if(s.equals("department"))
            department = inL;
        else if(s.equals("salary"))
            income = Double.parseDouble(inL);


    public double calcBonus() {
        this.setGrossPay((income/24) + this.bonus);
        this.bonus = (income/24)*(BONUS_RATE/100);
        return bonus;

    public void computePay() {
        this.setGrossPay((income/24) + this.bonus);
        tax = this.computeTax();
        this.setNetPay(income/24 + this.bonus - tax);

    public String printInfo() {
        String s = "";
        s += name + "   " + jobType + "   " + income + "   " + this.getGrossPay() + "   " + this.getNetPay() + "   " + tax;
        return s;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Payrolls 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        Managers mgr = new Managers();
                    //inL = in.readLine();

    public static void getInfo()throws FileNotFoundException
        Scanner inF = new Scanner(new File("C:TEMPeclipse-java-indigo-SR1-win32eclipseEmployee.txt"));

        while(inF.hasNextLine( ))
            Managers mgr = new Managers();

            mgr.inputInfo("name", inF.nextLine( ));
            mgr.inputInfo("title", inF.nextLine( ));
            mgr.inputInfo("department", inF.nextLine( ));           
            mgr.inputInfo("salary", inF.nextLine( ));



Yet when I run the program, I get the following output:

null   null   null   0.0   0.0   0.0

I'm trying to read in the following text file:

Jim Nasium
Fitness & Leisure

Lazy Susan
Home Furnishings

Gene Theory
Fine Jewelry

And I have the following code:

public abstract class Employee {
private String name;
private double grossPay;
private double netPay;
private final double TAX_RATE = 28.0;

/* Constructors */
public Employee() {

abstract public void computePay();

public double computeTax() {
return (TAX_RATE/100.0)*grossPay;

public String toString() {
String retString = "";
retString = "Name: " + this.getName() + "\n";
retString += "Gross Salary: " + this.grossPay + "\n";
retString += "Tax: " + computeTax() + "\n";
retString += "Net Salary: " + this.netPay + "\n";
return retString;

public void setNetPay(double pay) {
this.netPay = pay;

public double getNetPay() {
return netPay;

public void setGrossPay(double pay) {
this.grossPay = pay;

public double getGrossPay() {
return grossPay;

public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;

public String getName() {
return name;

public class Managers extends Employee implements Bonuses {
private String department;
private double bonus;
private final double BONUS_RATE = 1.0;
private String name;
private String jobType;
private Double income;
private double tax;

/* Constructors */
public Managers()

public void inputInfo(String s, String inL)
name = inL;
else if(s.equals("title"))
jobType = inL;
else if(s.equals("department"))
department = inL;
else if(s.equals("salary"))
income = Double.parseDouble(inL);


public double calcBonus() {
this.setGrossPay((income/24) + this.bonus);
this.bonus = (income/24)*(BONUS_RATE/100);
return bonus;

public void computePay() {
this.setGrossPay((income/24) + this.bonus);
tax = this.computeTax();
this.setNetPay(income/24 + this.bonus - tax);

public String printInfo() {
String s = "";
s += name + " " + jobType + " " + income + " " + this.getGrossPay() + " " + this.getNetPay() + " " + tax;
return s;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Payrolls
public static void main(String[] args)
Managers mgr = new Managers();
//inL = in.readLine();

public static void getInfo()throws FileNotFoundException
Scanner inF = new Scanner(new File("C:\\TEMP\\eclipse-java-indigo-SR1-win32\\eclipse\\Employee.txt"));

while(inF.hasNextLine( ))
Managers mgr = new Managers();

mgr.inputInfo("name", inF.nextLine( ));
mgr.inputInfo("title", inF.nextLine( ));
mgr.inputInfo("department", inF.nextLine( ));
mgr.inputInfo("salary", inF.nextLine( ));



Yet when I run the program, I get the following output:

null null null 0.0 0.0 0.0

try something like this instead:

fileToRead = new Scanner(new File("c:\\ggg.txt")); //point the scanner method to a file

            for (String line; fileToRead.hasNextLine() && (line = fileToRead.nextLine()) != null; ) {
                System.out.println(line);//print each line as its read

as you can see mine is different in the way that it will only print the line if a line does exist and its not null, which might be whats giving your grief. where i print the line is where you would:
mgr.inputInfo("name",line);//not i dont use nextLine() again else it will skip the last line, i use an assigned variable in the for statement

Can you edit your post and wrap the code in code tags? Use the [CODE} icon above the input box.
The unformatted code is hard to read.

Where do you print the lines you show?
Where do you give values to the variables that are being printed as null and 0?
Where and when does the program execute the code where the variables are given values?
If you do NOT execute any code that gives the variables values, their values will be the default value.

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