Seem to be getting a can't find symbol error. Not quite sure how to fix it. Yes this is a homework problem, this is what I have done so far.

public class Flight
public String location = "Gate";
public String number;
public Airport origination;
public Airport destination;
public Airport currentAirport;

public Flight(String nbr, Airport orig, Airport dest, String stat)

number = nbr;
origination = orig;
destination = dest;
status = stat;
currentAirport = orig;

public void taxiOut()
	currentAirport = origination;
	if (origination.currentRunway().getStatus().equals("Empty"))
	setStatus(" taxiing");
	setStatus("Waiting to taxi");


public void taxiIn()
	setStatus( " taxiing");
	currentAirport = dest;

public void takeOff()
	setStatus(" taking off");
	setLocation("Lifting off ");

public void land()
	setStatus(" Landing ");
	setLocation("Landing ");
	currentAirport = destination;

public void showLocation()
	System.out.println("Flight " + getNumber() + " at " + getLocation() + " at airport " + currentAirport.getAirportName());

public void setLocation(String loc)
	location = loc;

public void setStatus(String stat)
	status = stat;

public void setNumber(String loc)
	number = nbr;

public String getLocation()
	return location;

public String getStatus()
	return status;

public String getNumber()
	return number;

public String getOrigination()
	return origination.getAirportName();

public String getDestination()
	return destination.getAirportName();


EDIT: Sorry should have told the errors.
1.)symbol : variable status
location: class Flight
status = stat;

2.)symbol : variable dest
location: class Flight
currentAirport = dest;

3.)symbol : variable nbr
location: class Flight
number = nbr;

4.)symbol : variable status
location: class Flight
return status;

line 12
line 14
line 15
line 88

The error message tells you which symbol on which line. Wanna share that with us, or should we just guess?

OK, line 15 "status" ?

status: you don't have a variable named status
currentAirport = dest; you don't have a variable dest in that scope
number = nbr; I assume you mean: number = loc;
and the last one, exactly the same reason as the first problem

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