I am in a capstone programming class where I have to create my own program. The instructor is not giving us any help and told us it was our responsibility to find our own help in creating this program. What I want to do is have the user click on a button to add a person to a list. So, when they click on the add button and type in the person's name and birthday then clicked finished that person will be entered into a list with all of the other people that have been entered. I guess like a database. How would I go about adding this feature to my program? I am at the point where the user types in the information on the person I am just not sure what to code when the finished button is pressed. Thanks in advance for any help.

Do you have the database completed?

Do you have any code that you can show us what you have tried so far? You need to give us more information in order for us to assist you...

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