i have 1 text box and 1 button in my application

text box have items like this**

now what i want to do? when i press button then txt change in to this format , like this

some when can help me? please

Depending on how you want your results, you could use this:

Me.Text1.Text = Replace(Me.Text1.Text, "*", vbCrLf)

This will change the string in-place, but you have to make sure your text box is Multi-Line. Otherwise, it will just display as your string punctuated with unprintable characters.

If you wanted to break your text into usable pieces and keep the parts for later you could use this:

Dim i As Integer
Dim myArray() As String
myArray = Split(Me.Text1.Text, "*")

For i = 0 To UBound(myArray)
    Me.List1.AddItem myArray(i)
Next i

For the sake of illustration, this snippet uses the pieces to load a list box. You could of course do anything you like with them.

Hope these help! Good luck!

thank you problem solved

BitBlt bro u give these codes

Dim i As Integer
Dim myArray() As String
myArray = Split(Me.Text1.Text, "*")
For i = 0 To UBound(myArray)
Me.List1.AddItem myArray(i)
Next i

but these are for lits1

if i want to do same thing with ListView then how it could b done

Different question. Mark this thread "Solved" and open a new thread.

Listview will be working with coloumns and rows etc. Entirely new question, as Bit said, this thread is solved, you need to start a new thread...

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