Develope an algorithm that will accept and allocates the fund for the differenct state activities for America's 50th celebration.
The algorithm should accept and store the actual dollar value that will be allocated to the parishes.Noo more than 14 states should be accepted.The algorithm should also determine the number of states with a deficit,and finally produce a report from the data collected.

Sorry, but I don't understand the assignment.

"America's 50th celebration.", what 50th celebration? US has been a nation for over 225 years.

The algorithm should accept and store the actual dollar value that will be allocated to the parishes.

US has no such thing as "parishes". A parish is a church taritory. US does not have an official religion. And the US government does not allocate any money to any religious organization. So I have no idea what that statement is supposed to mean.

Develope an algorithm that will accept and allocates the fund for the differenct parish activities for Jamaica's 50th celebration.
The algorithm should accept and store the actual dollar value that will be allocated to the parishes.No more than 14 parishes should be accepted.The algorithm should also determine the number of states with a deficit,and finally produce a report from the data collected.

I don't think you understand how things work at DaniWeb. This isn't a free homework solution site. We don't do your prject for you; you have to do the work yourself. We may advise you on how to finish a project, and in some cases help you fix a piece of code that isn't working, but you have to show that you've made a good faith effort to solve the problem yourself first.

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