Hi, I'm new to this forum and am only 11. I know I'm a little too young to do complicated programs in Delphi an Pascal, but I have joined a programming club at my school and already I feel I've done quite a bit of programs. But the programming club is only on Thursdays and I'm bored, so please could you get me started and give me a few tips/codes/tutorial links.


i joined when i was 13/14 (im 16 now)

i was like you, i could kinda do vb and pascal and now i study computing at college

Umm best bet is a book - beware as some are really in depth

do you have any programming software already?

if you have Visual basic 6 i can give you loads of stuff (im studying it at college)

I have pascal, ive heard of visual basic but ive never know what it was for LOL. I have added you to MSN my addys <snip>

i joined when i was 13/14 (im 16 now)

i was like you, i could kinda do vb and pascal and now i study computing at college

Umm best bet is a book - beware as some are really in depth

do you have any programming software already?

if you have Visual basic 6 i can give you loads of stuff (im studying it at college)

visual basic is liek pascal but easier:


private sub command1_click
dim name as string
name=inputbox("Enter name:")
msgbox "Welcome &name& "
end sub

look at that visual basic express i talked to u about on msn

VB is good for learning, but don't get too caught up programming in it. I started programming at 11, and now I'm 20. It took me a long time (>2 years) to realise there was more out there than VB, and that I was using it for (mostly) the wrong things.

You will find though; if you can pick up one language, it's quite easy to move onto another. I'd suggest Java if you want something as simple as VB but with a better structure, and C++ if you want to learn loads. I never finished learning C++.

Delphi's a nice thing but the syntax is strange (similar to VB) when compared to other Object-Orientated languages.

What sort of things do you want to program?

Well I don't know what I want to program really, I just want to do something LOL.

VB is good for learning, but don't get too caught up programming in it. I started programming at 11, and now I'm 20. It took me a long time (>2 years) to realise there was more out there than VB, and that I was using it for (mostly) the wrong things.

You will find though; if you can pick up one language, it's quite easy to move onto another. I'd suggest Java if you want something as simple as VB but with a better structure, and C++ if you want to learn loads. I never finished learning C++.

Delphi's a nice thing but the syntax is strange (similar to VB) when compared to other Object-Orientated languages.

What sort of things do you want to program?

Delphi is a good place to start, it isn't the trendiest language around nowerdays but it teaches you good habbits and is extremely powerful and flexible. This chap has a very good guide and set of tutorials.

I have been using Ruby for the last two years or so and have not looked back. You can try it instantly, online here. Ruby is open and free.

im getting into VB. i got a small (bit bigger thab pocket sized) book, made by microsoft press for £12.99 and it came with VB express edition

At the programming club, we have only done programs with one form and no next button, I was just wondering if you know how to do multiple windows,

Thanks in advance,

in VB6 do (formname.show)


private sub command1_click
end sub

in .NET its a bit more complex

Thanks but I'm looking for it in Delphi and Pascal because I can't download VB because I don't have enough space.

if you install everything its less than 600 meg
if you dont install the MSDN or SQL its much less

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