can any one help me to do the project of computerised telephone directory.

yes -- post your code and we will help you with the problems

There's something wrong at Daniweb.

It seems these links are completely invisible to newbies

What possible reason could there be for all the effortless homework posts?

Oh that's right, there is no answer beyond laziness or stupidity. Neither trait will make you a programmer. Give up now and start practising "do you want fries with that".

Is it that time of year when students have 6-month-long projects to start with 3 days remaining? :P

Believe me , if you just download some project from internet and submit it as your assignment, you will get caught with more than 50% probability

Believe me , if you just download some project from internet and submit it as your assignment, you will get caught with more than 50% probability

And more than likely get an F in the course, or expelled from the university (worst case).

please allow me to access the telephone directory.

please allow me to access the telephone directory.


Please read the "Read This Before Posting" thread especially the section entitled "Don't resurrect old threads!".

My answer to your question for the United States is to direct you to the Directory Resources page of AT&T. Other United States telephone companies should have similar pages. :)

If this is not what you mean, you need to supply more information. Which telephone directory do you want to access? The C Programming Language does not provide features to access telephone directories natively. However, using its features, you could access telephone directories in your hosted environment. What operating system are you using? For that operating system, there may be third-party libraries available that support interfacing to the telephone directories available on that platform. If you want to create your own telephone directory, you could use the features of C to accomplish that. However, if your project team, development environment, and target environment are able to support C++, it would probably be a better choice.

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