Hello! I downloaded software called Xloops to evaluate integrals I'm working with. It comes with some example programs to show how the libraries work, but I can't seem to get them compiling consistently.

Here is one program (the important part is the first 12 lines):

#include <iostream>
#include "xloops.h"
#include <fstream>

 using namespace std;
 using namespace xloops;

int main(int argc, char** argv)

    symbol x("x[0]"), y("x[1]"), eps("eps");
    ex D = 4- 2*eps;
    ex rho=pow(10,-15);

    // Declaring masses
    lst m(3,1,5,7);
    lst mm(3,1,0,0);
    lst t(1,1,1,1);

    // preparing a list of values of external momentum q^2
    lst q(2.66667, 1.77778, 1.18519, 0.790124, 0.526749, 0.351166,
            0.234111, 0.156074, 0.104049, 0.069366, 0.046244, 0.030829,
            0.020553, 0.013702, 0.009135, 0.006090);

    // Now scan through the different valuse of q^2 in the list 
    // and do integration

    for (int i = 0; i < q.nops(); i++) {
        lst option(x, y);

        ex T1, res2, f3, T2;
        T1 = TwoLoop2Pt3(0,0,0,0, 0,sqrt(q.op(i)),m,t,rho, eps, option);
        T2 = TwoLoop2Pt3(0,0,0,0, 0,sqrt(q.op(i)),mm,t,rho, eps, option);

        // Extract the analytical part
        ex res1 = (T1.op(1)-T2.op(1))/pow(I*pow(Pi,2)*pow(2*Pi,-2*eps),2);
        res2 = res1.series(eps==0,4);
        // Extract the finite term of the analytical part
        ex fr = res2.coeff(eps,0);

        // Extract the numerical part
        ex f1 = (T1.op(0)-T2.op(0))/pow(I*pow(Pi,2)*pow(2*Pi,-2*eps),2);

        // Remove terms propotinal to eps and higher order.
        ex f2 = f1.series(eps==0,4);
        f3 = evalf(f2.coeff(eps,0));

        // Now we call Vegas
        ex num = VNumInt(f3,10000,10,100000 ,10,option);

        // Extract the result of Vegas 
        ex fin = num.op(0);
        ex finerror= num.op(1);
        ex im = num.op(2);
        ex imfinerror= num.op(3);
        cout << "The real part of Vegas: " << endl;
        cout << fin << "+/-" << abs(finerror) << endl;
        cout << "The imaginary part of Vegas" << endl;
        cout << im*I << "+/-" << abs(imfinerror)*I << endl;

        cout << "The Analytical part" << endl;
        for (int i=0; i<=2; i++) {
            cout << "The eps^(" << i-2 << ") term :" << endl;
            cout << normal((res2.coeff(eps,i-2)))*pow(eps,i-2) << endl;
    return 0;
    // Is it fun?

It fails to compile with lots of errors--all because it can't find custom classes like "symbol" and "ex" in the scope. xloops.h references other header files and eventually references the ginac.h header containing these classes.

If I add using namespace GiNaC; to the above program, it compiles fine.

It seems to me that this is not the ideal solution, and indeed, if I try it with other example programs, I get other scope and overloading related errors.

Why aren't the header includes being followed? (xloops.h -> ginac.h -> symbol.h)


Is this what you downloaded ? And did you also get the GiNaC C++ library which they provided the link to ?

I downloaded the CVS source, and I have GiNaC and Nestedsums installed. Everything is set-up in my path, and like I said, if I include using namespace GiNaC; in T1234N.cpp, it works. The others don't compile, but I want to nail down this problem first.

I suppose I should add, this is on an AMD64 Gentoo system. I'm compiling using the script provided, but I also can get it to work in Eclipse--with the extra line I mentioned.

We provide read-only CVS access to our repository. Note that this gives you "bleeding edge" code that may not even compile!

I think that says it all.

I thought they were only talking about the initial make of the libraries. Does that extend to software using them?

I have no idea. You'd have to ask them for clarification and help.

I think I figured it out. I found some other documentation which says the GiNaC namespace must be included to work. Makes sense... Thank you!

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