I've a 'Birthday' form wherein when i click on Search command button, an input box is displayed. In this input box, i type in a month and when i click on OK i want details of all those students whose birthday falls in that month.i'm using ADO Data Connection.

simply u need to trap the start and end date of the month and run a BETWEEN query in the database using ADO to get the output.

email your programme at kehar2005@yahoo.co.in unless one see the programe one c annot give you the idea because how can one know where you are.

dim str as string
dim rs as new adodb.connection

str=inputbox("enter month","search")
if str<>"" then
rs.open "select * from <tablename> where month='" & str & "'"
if rs.recordcount>0 then
<display data>
msgbox "no record found"
msgbox "input the month plz."
end sub

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