This may seem like an odd question, I'm not sure? I have been programming exclusivley using Dev C, and I now have to complete a project using Visual C++ 2005. I am trying to figure out just exactly how to properly use "handles". Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree? For example, how would one open a system program like notepad via a dropdown
menu click? Any help, or direction towards a good tutorial would be great. There seems to
be a lack of information on the web about VC++. Thanks

A handle is a number used by Microsoft Windows to keep track of resources (like windows and memory and files, etc.). It has nothing to do with C++.

So, if you know the handle of something you can call Win API functions that do something with the resource.

To execute a program, use system(). You can also use the CreateProcessEx() Win API function.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Duoas, I know it's a bit late. I know that Microsuck handles have nothing to do with C++, but it seems like you have to learn a whole language when dealing with Visual Studio! I'm still in search of a good tutorial, any ideas anyone???

Do you think you can do better? If not, you have no right to throw around insults.

>but it seems like you have to learn a whole language when dealing with Visual Studio!
You probably just haven't done much Windows programming, or much programming at all, come to think of it. "Handle" is a fairly ubiquitous term.

>There seems to be a lack of information on the web about VC++.
You're looking in the wrong places. Have you tried MSDN? Not only is it a huge reference, there are plenty of tutorials as well.

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