Hello there, I need a help form u guys, thanks advance~

I need to use JAVA to do a PC application which can accept/receive data from a mobile device using Bluetooth through some Bluetooth device plug on the PC.

I am using Netbean now and trying the JSR 82, but is this JSR 82 only for the J2ME application?

Can anyone give me some advises what is the way to do that and PLEASE point me some example links for that(most the link I can found are the J2ME examples), thanks very very much~

It is not about which IDE you are using so please do not include it in the post, otherweise it clearly show your low knowledge.
And yes, JSR82 is Bluetttoh & OBEX API. You may get some custome APIs from phone manufacturers providing phone specific methods for certail phobe serries but you should only use them if you targeting "A device".
For the tutorial examples Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2 for CLDC has some examples including Bluetooth which is actually working, here is some outcome of google search and if you can you should try and get book Beginning J2ME, From Novice to Professional (2005), by Jonathan Knudsen & Sing Li, publisher Apress

It is not about which IDE you are using so please do not include it in the post, otherweise it clearly show your low knowledge.
And yes, JSR82 is Bluetttoh & OBEX API. You may get some custome APIs from phone manufacturers providing phone specific methods for certail phobe serries but you should only use them if you targeting "A device".
For the tutorial examples Sun Java Wireless Toolkit 2.5.2 for CLDC has some examples including Bluetooth which is actually working, here is some outcome of google search and if you can you should try and get book Beginning J2ME, From Novice to Professional (2005), by Jonathan Knudsen & Sing Li, publisher Apress

Hi Sir, thanks for your help, and I am really a newbie for this bluetooth, haha.

But I am asking how to do this BT thing on the PC, I mean I need come out a JAVA program running on PC to get the data from a mobile via BT, NOT a mobile program.

So I think the J2ME is not suit for me, am I right?

Or you mean J2ME program also can run one the PC?
Hope can hear more advices, thanks!

To be fair I never tried to develop application to work from pc to retrive data from mobile. But I do not think it is imposible.
Try to look at this site they have some interesting tutorials http://www.jsr82.com/, java today and this look promising. Here is more search results and you can also refine the search

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