I'm in need of a shopping cart that features inventory control determined by attributes. For instance, I have 50 different products, which I want to make available to only 1 person in every County in every State in the US. The price for each product is determined by County: ie: Dade Co., Florida would have a price of $30, whereas Seminole Co., Florida would have a price of $25 - no matter what product was actually chosen. Once the item was purchased in Dade Co., an Out of Stock icon would appear to let customers know the item in that Co. was no longer available.

If the cart runs on php and MySQL, so much the better, particularly if I can upload my products directly to the database.

The shopping cart would not necessarily have to be open source (I think I've exhausted that avenue, anyway). Anyone have ANY suggestions for a shopping cart?

I or several others here could build it for you if you are looking to contract it out. For a good job, I'm guessing about 6 weeks for development and 2 weeks for testing.

I or several others here could build it for you if you are looking to contract it out. For a good job, I'm guessing about 6 weeks for development and 2 weeks for testing.

That sounds promising. What kind of fee are we talking about here? I started this thing in ZenCart - but it doesn't have the attribute levels that monitor inventory and I couldn't get a mod to work that promised that. Any chance you could modify ZenCart to meet my needs? (figure if you started with a base open source software it might cut down on time, but what do I know).

Sending you some quotes to your private mail box.

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