hi everyone,i am having a problem with the maximum file upload
i have read the forums about the maximum file upload and i went to
php.ini to change the maximum file upload from 2mb to 3mb
but if i upload 2.6mb file still the upload file doesn't work
can you please help me with that.

if you are uploading through the browser then perhaps you have a html input field that is prevent the larger files from being uploaded. On most uploading examples you will see this is a line of code:

<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000" />

(100KB file limit)
But what you want is this:

<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="3000000" />

(3000KB/3MB limit)
So search for that line of code and make sure it is 3000000 (with 6 zeros on the end).

hi cwarn23
i have that line of code in my index so when i execute php.info function within a
web server still shows upload_max_filesize = 2mb.what can should i do restart
apache and what inpact will pose to the program that using apache.


hi cwarn23
i have that line of code in my index so when i execute php.info function within a
web server still shows upload_max_filesize = 2mb.what can should i do restart
apache and what inpact will pose to the program that using apache.


Try adding the following line of code to the top of your file and confirm if what I said in my first post is true (line needed replacing) or not.

ini_set('memory_limit','3M'); //3 Megabites

If you place the above code at the top of your php file it will overright the default memory limit.

problem with the maximum file upload
i have read the forums about the maximum file upload and i went to
php.ini to change the maximum file upload from 2mb to 3mb
but if i upload 2.6mb file still the upload file doesn't work
can you please help me with that.

hi cwarn23
Thanks very much it works perfectly both ways.

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