I got the coding for uploading files to my website throug a simple browse option off a page. I choose the file upload size to be 150mb, but it wont allow anything under 10mb it seems. I am real good friends with my host, he told me something like, it wont upload files that big unless its via FTP, so what I was wondering if there was a script to fix this, or if there was another php upload code that has different coding to get around it.

Any help would be great.


try with the ftp_connect function.

Im not real good with PHP at all, could you possibly help me out, or give me the code on where to enter it?

This is what I have so far:

<head><title>Submit Your File</title></head>
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
<body background="images/site_06.jpg">
Thank you for chosing to send your files to Flawless Skins<br>Please take note that Flawless Skins only allows Images, and Videos to the website.  Any files other than these will not be looked at, instead they will be deleted immediately.<br>The max file size allowed to be submitted at one time is 150mb<br><br>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="uploader.php" id="form" method="POST"  onsubmit="a=document.getElementById('form').style;a.display='none';b=document.getElementById('part2').style;b.display='inline';" style="display: inline;">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="157286400""><br><br>
Choose a file to upload: <input name="uploadedfile" type="file" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Upload File" />
<div id="part2" style="display: none;">
<script language="javascript" src="xp_progress.js"></script>
Upload in progress. Please Wait... 
<script type="text/javascript">
var bar1= createBar(300,15,'grey',1,'black','#EFC151',85,7,3,"");

Normally file upload using files will be allowed 2MB in PHP (That is default setting in php.ini file).

Ask your server admin about this limit.

You can use FTP functions to upload can be found at http://in.php.net/ftp.

Normally file upload using files will be allowed 2MB in PHP (That is default setting in php.ini file).

Ask your server admin about this limit.

You can use FTP functions to upload can be found at http://in.php.net/ftp.

to see your PHP upload size limit, make a file called phpinfo.php
and inside of it, place the following php code:

<? phpinfo() ?>

then access that page from your browser and press Ctrl+F to search for the following: upload_max_filesize

this will tell you the max upload you are allowed on your server

you can try something like this:

<IfModule mod_php4.c>
php_value upload_max_filesize 150M

in a .htaccess file, from what I read this is not suppose to work according to PHP but it in actuality does, so who knows

sorry I made a mistake; there should be some way by splitting your file locally then uploading it.
Let me look into it.

well there is no way to do without the use of activeX, java applet or some tricking with javascript.
The easiest way would consist on changing the php_value upload_max_filesize variable and the execution time of a script.

actually i believe the max execution time of a script wouldn't matter in this case, because uploading a file as far as php cares is not part of the script execution time.

actually i believe the max execution time of a script wouldn't matter in this case, because uploading a file as far as php cares is not part of the script execution time.

I think it is related as your program will wait till the file has been uploaded!

I think it is related as your program will wait till the file has been uploaded!

No, the file uploading is a part of request and until it's finished the program is not executed.

put a copy of your php.ini file in the same folder where your upload script is change the max file size under your file upload. see if that works

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