Hi, i hope someone can help me. i want to create a forum (think i should call it a forum. it is just going to be one page where people can add their thoughts or compliments or suggestions). I'm going to use mySQL and Asp.Net C#, but don't really have an idea of what to do.

I've tried to google good tutorials, but all of them is php, and i don't want to use php, as some of my other pages are already built in .net

if someone can maybe just point me to a tutorial, that would be great.

Thanks in advance

Do you know how to write code? First google "create a connection with mysql using asp.net" then try to insert a simple record then update & delete. If you can do that then search google for a free editor.

Why don't you try to download the Open Source discussion forum or bulletin board system for web sites running ASP.NET C#.You can surely customized it to connect to a Myswq database its written on the documentation.I advice you to give a try

You can install free forum module like phpBB ,etc .

thanks so much for everyones help. i'll first try some of the options, before marking solved! i might still need help on this!

I think the phpBB would be the easiest way out, but i'm not looking for an easy way out..i'm looking to learn and improve. i really prefer C#.net above php..and i actually don't know why.

once again thanks. and as soon as i have done it..i will thank you all once again and mark as solved

Initially try to learn simple coding otherwise you cant continue in the long run.

excellent thought...i've created forum 2 yrs ago in JSP..
it took six months 4 me to build that thing...

so get ready for some action..

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