Hi everybody
I have coded a LINQ SiteMapProvider for my ASP.NET site. The site pages info is stored in a MSSQL database.
When I make changes to the SitePAges table, the SiteMap does not reset. Here is my code

Public Overrides Function BuildSiteMap() As System.Web.SiteMapNode
        If RootMapNode IsNot Nothing Then Return RootMapNode
        dcx = New GrabdayDataContext
        RootMapNode = Nothing
        Dim SitePages = From q In dcx.SitePages Where q.ParentID Is Nothing
        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select sitepageid, parentid from SitePages", New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Grabday").ConnectionString))
        Dim dependency = New SqlCacheDependency(cmd)
        RootMapNode = SitePageNode(SitePages.FirstOrDefault)
        AddNode(RootMapNode, Nothing)
        AddChildNodes(RootMapNode, SitePages.FirstOrDefault)
        HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(_cacheDependencyName, New Object(), dependency, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, New CacheItemRemovedCallback(AddressOf OnSiteMapChanged))
        Return RootMapNode
    End Function

    Sub OnSiteMapChanged()
    End Sub

If i understand correctly, the OnSiteMapChanged sub is supposed to run as soon as the tableset becomes invalidated, which somehow never occurs. I put dependenct.start and dependency.stop in my global.asax file in app_start and app_end respectively

My debugging shows that the "Insert" code to the cache does occur, though i dont understand why it is needed (the code was ported from a sqlsitemapprovider). doesnt asp.net cache the data on its own? it definetly does.

Can someone help me get my data invalidated or whatever?
my db show that Is_Broker_Enabled is on


Your code is incomplete for any suggestion. Please read this Article.

soory, i havent meant to skimp. I just thought to keep the code to only waht is necessary.
I am going over the article you sent me, meanwhile, here is the complete Provider Class
Please point out where im misatking

Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Web.Caching
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Public Class LINQSiteMapProvider
    Inherits StaticSiteMapProvider
    Dim dcx As GrabdayDataContext
    Dim RootMapNode As SiteMapNode
    Dim UserID As Integer
    Const _cacheDependencyName As String = "__SiteMapCacheDependency"

    Public Overrides Sub Initialize(ByVal name As String, ByVal attributes As System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)
        MyBase.Initialize(name, attributes)
        dcx = New GrabdayDataContext
    End Sub

    Public Overrides Function BuildSiteMap() As System.Web.SiteMapNode
        If RootMapNode IsNot Nothing Then Return RootMapNode
        dcx = New GrabdayDataContext
        RootMapNode = Nothing
        Dim SitePages = From q In dcx.SitePages Where q.ParentID Is Nothing
        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select sitepageid, parentid from SitePages", New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Grabday").ConnectionString))
        Dim dependency = New SqlCacheDependency(cmd)
        RootMapNode = SitePageNode(SitePages.FirstOrDefault)
        AddNode(RootMapNode, Nothing)
        AddChildNodes(RootMapNode, SitePages.FirstOrDefault)
        HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(_cacheDependencyName, New Object(), dependency, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, New CacheItemRemovedCallback(AddressOf OnSiteMapChanged))
        Return RootMapNode
    End Function

    Protected Overrides Function GetRootNodeCore() As System.Web.SiteMapNode
        Return RootMapNode
    End Function

    Sub AddChildNodes(ByVal ParentNode As SiteMapNode, ByVal ParentPage As SitePage)
        Dim childs = From q In dcx.SitePages Where q.ParentID = ParentPage.SitePageID
        Dim NewNode As SiteMapNode
        For Each sp In childs
            NewNode = SitePageNode(sp)
            AddNode(NewNode, ParentNode)
            AddChildNodes(NewNode, sp)
        If ParentPage.PageName = "OrdersByStatus" Then
            Dim statusses = From q In dcx.OrderEvents Select q.Brief Distinct
            Dim roles As String() = {}
            Dim nvc As New NameValueCollection
            nvc.Item("PageName") = "Orders"
            For Each os As String In statusses
                NewNode = New SiteMapNode(Me, os & "Orders", "~\Admin\Orders.aspx?Status=" & os, os & " Orders", os & " Orders", roles, nvc, New NameValueCollection, "")
                AddNode(NewNode, ParentNode)
        End If
    End Sub

    Function SitePageNode(ByVal SitePage As SitePage) As SiteMapNode
        Dim nvc As New NameValueCollection
        nvc.Item("PageName") = SitePage.PageName
        Dim roles As String() = {}
        Return New SiteMapNode(Me, SitePage.SitePageID, If(SitePage.URL, "~\Admin\Menu.aspx" & "?ID=" & SitePage.SitePageID), SitePage.Title, SitePage.Description, roles, nvc, New NameValueCollection, "")
    End Function

    Sub OnSiteMapChanged()
    End Sub

End Class

Let's see web.config provider entry.

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