Hi All,
I have been using netbeans for long now and it is somehow good. But I saw Aptana and was attracted. But I failed to Install PHP support with its new PHP plugin (Actually it is PDT). It throws errors and Have tried to check on Easy eclipse. It is great too but I have failed to integrate it to my existing WAMP.

I'm willing to export/import all my Databases to New WAMP if necessary but only IF I know how to integrate it with PHP.
Please help me guys!

Just download the latest version of Eclipse PDT from http://www.eclipse.org/pdt/ That will solve your PDT problems. As for WAMP, once you have it setup there is no integration with eclipse needed unless you want to use the debugger.

You mean PDT+Aptana (offline) using software->install will do it?
That will be great. And Also I plan to use debugger!

If I can, I would like only to have Aptana without installing Eclipse.
I mean Just: Aptana+PDT :)

You shouldn't have any issues since you're trying to setup completely separate software. You don't need to do anything for them to work together. WAMP is your server environment and Aptana+PDT is your IDE. Setting up debugging would involve getting either the xDebug or Zend debugger plugins for Eclipse. That's a different topic.

In short, your problems aren't related so you won't have any issues. If you're having issues installing Aptana then you better list them. Same with WAMP

I failed to install Aptana via update manager, and now I have to go offline.
I would love to install Apatana with PHP support, but how do I do that offline? As I said, if possible, I don't want that big download (140MB or so) only to get aptana as plugin. If I can do that then my issue will be solved

If that is not possible, I want to integrate my EasyEclipse (No Aptana then) with my existing Wamp. I see it have XAMPP button, but I don't know how to integrate it!

I failed to install Aptana via update manager, and now I have to go offline.
I would love to install Apatana with PHP support, but how do I do that offline? As I said, if possible, I don't want that big download (140MB or so) only to get aptana as plugin. If I can do that then my issue will be solved

If that is not possible, I want to integrate my EasyEclipse (No Aptana then) with my existing Wamp. I see it have XAMPP button, but I don't know how to integrate it!

I haven't installed Aptana as the plugin. I've always used the stand alone package (the 140 MB download). It might be failing to install because of version conflicts.

As for integrating WAMP, I don't understand the problem you are facing. Are you having difficulties in installing WAMP? Like I told you before, you don't need to integrate WAMP with anything to start working. Have you got Apache/PHP/MySQL already installed as separate services? Or are you going for a new install? If you already have these services, there isn't much point in installing WAMP.

I want to setup my project folder sources to be pointing to WAMP folder and start WAMP from Aptana (Very lazy eh!) and run everything in internal browser instead of switcing to and fro btn IDE and firefox.

Also how about my question on offline installation? What I exactly need?

I want to setup my project folder sources to be pointing to WAMP folder and start WAMP from Aptana (Very lazy eh!) and run everything in internal browser instead of switcing to and fro btn IDE and firefox.

Also how about my question on offline installation? What I exactly need?

Wow, haven't come across that configuration for PHP before :D
1. For offline installation, if you have the standalone you can just unzip it. If you have the plugin you'll have to copy it to your Eclipse plugins directory (assuming it's the correct version).

2. Setting up Eclipse to use the internal browser - Go to Preferences and then click on General->Web Browser and select "Use Internal Browser"

3. As for your docs to point to the WAMP www directory, just switch your workspace in eclipse File->Switch Workspace. That will point the root there so you can create or import projects easily. I'm sorry but I can't help you in setting up Apache to run through EasyEclipse. A better idea would be to have WAMP start on startup (It's easy to achieve by putting a shortcut in your startup folder). It's the laziest/easiest way to operate I think.

Hope this helps. All the examples are for Eclipse Ganymede as I've never used EasyEclipse.

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