I can't access my old hosting account. I don't now my username. I now the domain and can i see PHP code on one page.

Did you try looking for it yourself first before posting? A quick google search found several results, including this.

I think a lot of people try to keep stuff like this under wraps since a lot of sites have weak PHP-based security (i.e. hard coded username/password arrays, links to the files containing the same or other clues for bypassing security measures or finding stuff that the web site owners don't want the average user to have access to).

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Is this a question? What do you want? Have you contacted the host? If you see php code you've probably not enclosed the code inside php tags or perhaps your hosting account does not support php.

Is this a question? What do you want? Have you contacted the host? If you see php code you've probably not enclosed the code inside php tags or perhaps your hosting account does not support php.

Exactly and in addition to that your host may have turned off short tags in the php.ini file so you might need to use the full <?php .

I can't access my old hosting account. I don't now my username. I now the domain and can i see PHP code on one page.

No, you can't see php code from browser...You need to have your site files...the you can see...
all php code is translated as HTML code inside the server,, thats why we can't see it....

Is this a question? What do you want? Have you contacted the host? If you see php code you've probably not enclosed the code inside php tags or perhaps your hosting account does not support php.

Agreed, you need to contact your host to get your login info.

Judging by your post, one of your pages is broken and is printing the PHP instead of it's normal output, or you forgot your login and need a way to get your code back.

Either way, you need to contact your host.
If the page is broken, they will have to fix it, or you will have to log in and fix it yourself.
If you forgot your login and need to get your code, you cant. As has been stated, PHP code is not accessible by normal HTTP requests (unless the servers is broken, or just doesn't support PHP).

all php code is translated as HTML code inside the server

More accurately; the PHP code is executed, and it's output - usually HTML - is sent to the browser.

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