
I am having real trouble with this code, and for the life of me just can't see or figure out why this won't work. It works every other time I have done it.
I have checked, double checked, tripple checked the table it's coming from.
I'm as lost as an ant in the desert.

me code

$user = $_SESSION['user'];
	$productID = $_GET['id'];
$isSql = "SELECT * FROM '$user' WHERE product_id ='$productID'";
foreach ($conn->query($isSql) as $row) {
		$isCart = $row['timestamp'];
		$isPrice = $row['in_price'];

Please someone tell me what I am doing wrong. By the way, its in PDO so please don't bother replying if you don't use PDO.

Thanks heaps.

You get the error because the query returns an error. Echo a particular query and try it in phpMyAdmin or something similar, see what it outputs, perhaps the quote around your table are messing it up.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Add the statment above of your for each and check what it returns:

if empty($conn->query($isSql)){
echo "Not work with for each";
else echo "It will work";

Also try with the statement instead of above as

if empty($conn->query($isSql) as $row){
echo "Not work with for each";
else echo "It will work";

I am not sure above code will work, but the problem is your query doesn't return any arrays if it retuns then your for each loop work.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Mr Qwaz, May I know about what you have changed?

Mr Qwaz, May I know about what you have changed?

I actually marked it as solved after trying my query in phpMyAdmin. and found that the way I put the '' around the table was stuffing it up.

However I still have the same broad issue. as if the product has not been added to the database, it comes up with the same crappy error.

I Like what you put about the

if empty(...)

However I am getting some crazy errors with that. I have never used empty() before and I think I am not using it right.

Do I put it around the other query or after it?

$user = $_SESSION['user'];
	$productID = $_GET['id'];
$isSql = "SELECT * FROM '$user' WHERE product_id ='$productID'";
foreach ($conn->query($isSql) as $row) {
		$isCart = $row['timestamp'];
		$isPrice = $row['in_price'];
if empty($conn->query($isSql)){
echo "Not work with for each";
else echo "It will work";

Also kept getting an error saying it was expecting ")" ?? no idea why..

I pretty much want to check if the productID exists in the table. If it doesn't $isCart && $isPrice == 0, else if it does exist, then do that foreach query.

Any ideas?

Thanks for you help

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

Try with one more parenthesis

if (empty($conn->query($isSql))){
echo "Not work with for each";
else echo "It will work";

Try with one more parenthesis

if (empty($conn->query($isSql))){
echo "Not work with for each";
else echo "It will work";


Thanks for your help,

However I finally got it to work using another method. Don't know why I didn't think of it before.

Here is the final working code:

$checkDuplicate = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$user` WHERE product_id = '$productID'";
	$result = $conn->query($checkDuplicate);
	$numRows = $result->fetchColumn();
	// release database resource for next query
	if ($numRows) {
		$sqls = "SELECT * FROM `$user` WHERE `product_id` =$productID";
		foreach ($conn->query($sqls) as $rows) {
				$cart = $rows['in_cart'];
				$price = $rows['price'];
	} else {
		$cart = '0';
		$price = '0';
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