I amm designing a website for my mom the site is to advertise her book. it has a message board in it. the message board works great locally but when i upload it t a server i get a:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/areyoube/public_html/PeapleSay/display_message.php on line 11

Now i am pretty new to php and mysql and i do not have a clue what to do. I did create a new database on the host but i did make all neccesary changes to both the scripts and the database.

Any help would be great Thank-you.

It sounds like you are executing:

$res = mysql_query("some query here");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) )
 //...code here

what you need to do is add " or die( mysql_error() );" so that you get details about the error.

$res = mysql_query("some query here") or die( mysql_error() );
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) )
 //...code here
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Paste your code in here.

paste your code here....

Paste your code so that we could help or mail it to vaibhavranglani[at]raveportal<dot>com

i'm agree with 'hielo' use or die("Mysql Error " .mysql_error());

I will post the code on here as soon as i can thank you everyone for you responses i really appreciate it.

Thank you for your replies. but i have put this project on hold for awhile. And thank-you again for your replies.

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