Hi Everyone,

Is there a way to make your own remote connection program (just for my use - at least fo now)? Something like goToMyPC.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Also, is this easier to do in Java/HTML?

Thanks in advanced.

What specifically do you want it to do?

Do you want the program to remote connect you to your Windows XP Desktop? Or are you interested in calling a database remotely (for example)?

List what you want to get out of the remote connection and it will be easier to determine if it is even appropriate/possible to use PHP.


Thanks for your help. I want to literally be able to see my computer's screen (through a web browser, maybe) and be able to control the mouse and keyboard. Is that possible?


As for doing this through a web page, I'm sure it could be done through Java (assuming you wanted to spend the long hours on that sort of project). I have no idea if it can be done through PHP.

However, if you are willing to do this without a web browser as a middle man (and if you don't need it for whatever the intended purpose of having remote access), the following may help:

Assuming you are looking for freeware, would this help?

Remote Desktop Connection Software Download

From the link:

Note The Remote Desktop Connection software is pre-installed with Windows XP. To run it, click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, click Communications, and then click Remote Desktop Connection. This software package can also be found on the Windows XP Professional and Windows XP Home Edition product CDs and can be installed on any supported Windows platform. To install from the CD, insert the disc into the target machine's CD-ROM drive, select Perform Additional Tasks, and then click Install Remote Desktop Connection.

Another interesting note (from a Microsoft article):

In the past, remote–control technologies for end users suffered from a security deficiency because anyone in your office could watch your desktop, and see any work you were doing. Remote Desktop solves this by locking your office computer when you connect remotely. Only the logon screen remains visible.

Thanks, but I actually want to create it from scratch.

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