Hi All,
I have the hidden field defined as:
<form method="post" name="userform" id="userform"><input
<input type="hidden" id="movieIdHidden" name="movieIdHidden"></input>
When the form is reload I set this field as

In the JSP I read this value as:
string strmovie3 = request.getParameter("movieIdHidden");
// convert to int
int movie3 = parseInt(strmovie3 );
Is this the right syntax to read the hidden value from the form?
Please response to email if you know the answer to this question?
Thank in advance.

That is for a servlet (you aren't using scriptlets in the JSP, are you?).

for a JSP it is ${param.movieIdHidden}

Hi ,
I am not understand why we need to use:
for a JSP it is ${param.movieIdHidden}. What is param in this case.

The parameters in the request object, it is a JSP default object.

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