I have a problem with my for loop.
This is the code:

for(i = 1; i <= 30; i++){
var opacity = $("#h"+i).css("opacity");
if(opacity < 1){
$("#h"+i).click(function() {
opacity: 1

When I put a number like


instead of


It works but only for that object but then I don't have a use for for loop.

It would be easier to use one class for all those div's.

The problem is that i is not defined in the click function, so it loses it's meaning. Not quite sure how to explain it.

You mean to do this:

$("#h"+i).click(function(i) {


It still doesn't work.

No. Not what I meant. You have several div's with id="h1" . If you add class="myclick" then you can use:

$(".myclick").click(function() {
    opacity: 1

No. Not what I meant. You have several div's with id="h1" . If you add class="myclick" then you can use:

$(".myclick").click(function() {
    opacity: 1

I can't use a class in this.
But if I put

$("#h"+i).click(function() {
opacity: 1

instead of this:

$("#h"+i).click(function() {
opacity: 1

It works! Thanks man!

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