Hi all,

am using eclipse IDE.I want to connect mysql database with jsp/servlet for that i want to add mysql j/ connector. I added properties -> Java build path-> Add External jar file but still it calls the exception Driver not found "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver".

Am not filmier with Eclipse any one pls help me...

You need to add it to the classpath in the run configurations, or as a library in the project properties. The "build path" is only for compiling, and for that you don't the MySQL driver.

thanks but can U tel me how to add that

Cna any one telt me how can I add mysql connector in eclipse for web project

Thanks in advance

Uhm, by going to the project menu, choosing properties, then going to the library tab and adding the jar?

Or going to the run menu, choosing run configurations, choosing the "task" for the class, choosing the classpath tab, and adding it?

Cna any one telt me how can I add mysql connector in eclipse for web project

Thanks in advance


You could try the following:
Create project say Test.Right-click on Test and navigate to Build Path then on to Add Libraries.Click on User Library to select it then click Next.Click on User Libraries.. button, then click on New and provide a name for instance, DBLibrary.Click on Add JARS button as it is now enabled and then browse to where you have mysql connector jar saved(if you don't have it,you have to download it first).Finally click on OK and then FINISH.I hope this helps...

thanks masijade, Now It is working fine.. thanks a lot

thanks dangari

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