
Am a C# and ASP.net fan..now have a plan of learning PHP..So experts can you help me out where to start .....i have dreamweaver and Xamp ..Is this good enough or do i need to go for anyother IDE like cakephp ..Zend etc....can anyone guide.....

If you're on windows (I assume you are since you said c# and asp) I recommend you use Aptana Studio 3.0. It is a great tool for Web development and not as bloated as Dreamweaver.

Also, for PHP your first source of information is http://php.net.

If you've developed in C#, PHP is not that far. You just have to get used to some new functions and objects but with C# knowledge, you have a head start.

There are tutorials all over place. Check w3schools (http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp) for the basics on PHP and Google is your friend!

hi charlybones ..

thanks for your reply would try that...:-):-)....

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