Hi. I have a javascript code inserted before closing tag </body> that is meant to change the color of a table row when the mouse is placed over it. It works only when I remove the css file. Please advise what is the problem, I need them working together. The Javascript code is as follows:

var myTable = document.getElementById("leagues_stands");
var rows = myTable.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
    rows[i].onmouseover = function() {
        this.style.backgroundColor = "#FF0000";
    rows[i].onmouseout = function() {
        this.style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF";

Can you post the CSS code and the relevant HTML for the table? Maybe you have a CSS rule that's overriding what you're trying to do in JavaScript.

include ("blocks/db.php");
$result0 = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE page='index'",$db);
$myrow0 = mysql_fetch_array ($result0);
if (isset($_GET['season'])) {$season = $_GET['season'];}
if (isset($_GET['s_type'])) {$s_type = $_GET['s_type'];}
if (isset($_GET['page'])) {$page = $_GET['page'];}
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="<?php echo $myrow0['meta_d']; ?>" />
<meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $myrow0['meta_k']; ?>" />
<title><?php echo $myrow0['title']; ?></title>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<table id="main_table" align="center" border="0px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">
  <?php include ("blocks/header.php"); ?>
    <?php include ("blocks/left.php"); ?>
    <td id="center" class="white">
echo $myrow0['text_up'];
echo '<form name="form1" id="select_form" method="get" action="index.php">';
/* Creating a drop-down list to select the season */
echo '<label><select name="season">';
$result1 = mysql_query ("SELECT DISTINCT season FROM competitions WHERE status='Active' ORDER BY season DESC",$db);
while ($myrow1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1))
  if (strlen($myrow1['season']) == 4)
    $season_short = intval($myrow1['season'])+1;
    $season_long = $myrow1['season'].'-'.$season_short;
    $result2 = mysql_query ("SELECT DISTINCT season FROM competitions WHERE status='Active' && season='$season_long'",$db);
    if (mysql_num_rows($result2) == FALSE)
      if (isset($season) && $season==$season_long)
        echo '<option selected value="'.$season_long.'">'.$season_long.'</option>';
        echo '<option value="'.$season_long.'">'.$season_long.'</option>';
    if (isset($season) && $season==$myrow1['season'])
      echo '<option selected value="'.$myrow1['season'].'">'.$myrow1['season'].'</option>';
      echo '<option value="'.$myrow1['season'].'">'.$myrow1['season'].'</option>';
echo '</select> </label>';
/* Creating a drop-down list to select the type of statistics */
echo '<label><select name="s_type">';
if (isset($s_type) && $s_type=='Home Win') {echo '<option selected value="Home Win">Home Win</option>';} else {echo '<option value="Home Win">Home Win</option>';}
if (isset($s_type) && $s_type=='Draw') {echo '<option selected value="Draw">Draw</option>';} else {echo '<option value="Draw">Draw</option>';}
if (isset($s_type) && $s_type=='Away Win') {echo '<option selected value="Away Win">Away Win</option>';} else {echo '<option value="Away Win">Away Win</option>';}
if (isset($s_type) && $s_type=='Under 0.5 Goals') {echo '<option selected value="Under 0.5 Goals">Under 0.5 Goals</option>';} else {echo '<option value="Under 0.5 Goals">Under 0.5 Goals</option>';}
if (isset($s_type) && $s_type=='Under 1.5 Goals') {echo '<option selected value="Under 1.5 Goals">Under 1.5 Goals</option>';} else {echo '<option value="Under 1.5 Goals">Under 1.5 Goals</option>';}
if (isset($s_type) && $s_type=='Under 2.5 Goals') {echo '<option selected value="Under 2.5 Goals">Under 2.5 Goals</option>';} else {echo '<option value="Under 2.5 Goals">Under 2.5 Goals</option>';}
if (isset($s_type) && $s_type=='Over 0.5 Goals') {echo '<option selected value="Over 0.5 Goals">Over 0.5 Goals</option>';} else {echo '<option value="Over 0.5 Goals">Over 0.5 Goals</option>';}
if (isset($s_type) && $s_type=='Over 1.5 Goals') {echo '<option selected value="Over 1.5 Goals">Over 1.5 Goals</option>';} else {echo '<option value="Over 1.5 Goals">Over 1.5 Goals</option>';}
if (isset($s_type) && $s_type!='Over 2.5 Goals') {echo '<option value="Over 2.5 Goals">Over 2.5 Goals</option>';} else {echo '<option selected value="Over 2.5 Goals">Over 2.5 Goals</option>';}
echo '</select></label>';
echo '<label><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit1" value="Show!" /></label>';
echo '</form>';
/* Creating a table for the second Menu Bar */
echo '<table id="menubar2" align="center" border="0px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px">';
  echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="blue_mb_light"><a href="index.php?'; if(isset($season) && isset($s_type)) {echo 'season='.$season.'&&s_type='.$s_type.'"';} else {echo 'season=2012-2013&&s_type=Over+2.5+Goals"';} echo '>Full Time</a></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="blue_mb_dark"><a href="index_1.php?'; if(isset($season) && isset($s_type)) {echo 'season='.$season.'&&s_type='.$s_type.'"';} else {echo 'season=2012-2013&&s_type=Over+2.5+Goals"';} echo '>Half 1</a></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="blue_mb_dark"><a href="index_2.php?'; if(isset($season) && isset($s_type)) {echo 'season='.$season.'&&s_type='.$s_type.'"';} else {echo 'season=2012-2013&&s_type=Over+2.5+Goals"';} echo '>Half 2</a></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="white"></td>';
  echo '</tr>';
  echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td id="cell3" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell4" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell3" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell4" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell3" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell4" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell3" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell4" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell3" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell4" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell3" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell4" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell3" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell4" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell3" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell4" class="white"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell3" class="white"></td>';
  echo '</tr>';
  echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell2" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
    echo '<td id="cell1" class="blue_mb_light"></td>';
  echo '</tr>';
  echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td colspan="17" id="cell5" class="blue_odd"><br />';
    $result3 = mysql_query ("SELECT season FROM competitions ORDER BY season DESC",$db);
    $myrow3 = mysql_fetch_array ($result3);
    if (strlen($myrow3['season']) == 4)
      $season_short = intval($myrow3['season'])+1;
      $season_long = $myrow3['season'].'-'.$season_short;   
      $season_long = $myrow3['season'];
    echo '<p>Top Twenty Leagues '; if(isset($season)){echo $season;} else {echo $season_long;} echo '</p>';   
$association = array();
$league = array();
$s = array();
$var = array();
/* Checking if $season and $s_type are set */
if (isset($season) && isset($s_type))
  $season_short = substr($season,0,4);
/* Checking if $s_type is 'Home Win' */
  if ($s_type == 'Home Win')
    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT association,name,season,hw_ft FROM competitions WHERE status='Active' && (season='$season' || season='$season_short') ORDER BY hw_ft DESC LIMIT 20",$db);
    while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
      $association[] = $myrow['association'];
      $league[] = $myrow['name'];
      $s[] = $myrow['season'];
      $var[] = $myrow['hw_ft'];
/* Checking if $s_type is 'Draw' */
  if ($s_type == 'Draw')
    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT association,name,season,d_ft FROM competitions WHERE status='Active' && (season='$season' || season='$season_short') ORDER BY d_ft DESC LIMIT 20",$db);
    while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
      $association[] = $myrow['association'];
      $league[] = $myrow['name'];
      $s[] = $myrow['season'];
      $var[] = $myrow['d_ft'];
/* Checking if $s_type is 'Away Win' */
  if ($s_type == 'Away Win')
    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT association,name,season,aw_ft FROM competitions WHERE status='Active' && (season='$season' || season='$season_short') ORDER BY aw_ft DESC LIMIT 20",$db);
    while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
      $association[] = $myrow['association'];
      $league[] = $myrow['name'];
      $s[] = $myrow['season'];
      $var[] = $myrow['aw_ft'];
/* Checking if $s_type is 'Under 0.5 Goals' */
  if ($s_type == 'Under 0.5 Goals')
    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT association,name,season,u05_ft FROM competitions WHERE status='Active' && (season='$season' || season='$season_short') ORDER BY u05_ft DESC LIMIT 20",$db);
    while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
      $association[] = $myrow['association'];
      $league[] = $myrow['name'];
      $s[] = $myrow['season'];
      $var[] = $myrow['u05_ft'];
/* Checking if $s_type is 'Under 1.5 Goals' */
  if ($s_type == 'Under 1.5 Goals')
    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT association,name,season,u15_ft FROM competitions WHERE status='Active' && (season='$season' || season='$season_short') ORDER BY u15_ft DESC LIMIT 20",$db);
    while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
      $association[] = $myrow['association'];
      $league[] = $myrow['name'];
      $s[] = $myrow['season'];
      $var[] = $myrow['u15_ft'];
/* Checking if $s_type is 'Under 2.5 Goals' */
  if ($s_type == 'Under 2.5 Goals')
    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT association,name,season,u25_ft FROM competitions WHERE status='Active' && (season='$season' || season='$season_short') ORDER BY u25_ft DESC LIMIT 20",$db);
    while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
      $association[] = $myrow['association'];
      $league[] = $myrow['name'];
      $s[] = $myrow['season'];
      $var[] = $myrow['u25_ft'];
/* Checking if $s_type is 'Over 0.5 Goals' */
  if ($s_type == 'Over 0.5 Goals')
    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT association,name,season,o05_ft FROM competitions WHERE status='Active' && (season='$season' || season='$season_short') ORDER BY o05_ft DESC LIMIT 20",$db);
    while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
      $association[] = $myrow['association'];
      $league[] = $myrow['name'];
      $s[] = $myrow['season'];
      $var[] = $myrow['o05_ft'];
/* Checking if $s_type is 'Over 1.5 Goals' */
  if ($s_type == 'Over 1.5 Goals')
    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT association,name,season,o15_ft FROM competitions WHERE status='Active' && (season='$season' || season='$season_short') ORDER BY o15_ft DESC LIMIT 20",$db);
    while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
      $association[] = $myrow['association'];
      $league[] = $myrow['name'];
      $s[] = $myrow['season'];
      $var[] = $myrow['o15_ft'];
/* Checking if $s_type is 'Over 2.5 Goals' */
  if ($s_type == 'Over 2.5 Goals')
    $result = mysql_query ("SELECT association,name,season,o25_ft FROM competitions WHERE status='Active' && (season='$season' || season='$season_short') ORDER BY o25_ft DESC LIMIT 20",$db);
    while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
      $association[] = $myrow['association'];
      $league[] = $myrow['name'];
      $s[] = $myrow['season'];
      $var[] = $myrow['o25_ft'];
/* Creating the table for leagues statistics */
echo '<p>Full Time '.$s_type.'</p>';
  echo '<table id="leagues_stands">';
    echo '<tr>';
      echo '<td id="s" class="blue_header">#</td>';
      echo '<td id="xl_header" class="blue_header">League</td>';
      echo '<td id="m" class="blue_header">%</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
  $i = 0;
  $n = 1;
  while (isset($var[$i]))
    echo '<tr>';
      echo '<td id="s" class="blue_odd">'.$n.'</td>';
      echo '<td id="xl_body" class="blue_odd"><a href="overview.php?association='.$association[$i].'&&competition='.$league[$i].'&&season='.$s[$i].'">'.$association[$i].' '.$league[$i].'</a></td>';
      echo '<td id="m" class="blue_odd">'.number_format($var[$i],1).'%</td>';
    echo '<tr>';
    if (isset($var[$i]))
      echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td id="s" class="blue_even">'.$n.'</td>';
        echo '<td id="xl_body" class="blue_even"><a href="overview.php?association='.$association[$i].'&&competition='.$league[$i].'&&season='.$s[$i].'">'.$association[$i].' '.$league[$i].'</a></td>';
        echo '<td id="m" class="blue_even">'.number_format($var[$i],1).'%</td>';
      echo '<tr>';
echo '</table>';
/* Taking from the DataBase the most recent season */
  $result = mysql_query ("SELECT season FROM competitions ORDER BY season DESC",$db);
  $myrow = mysql_fetch_array ($result);
  if (strlen($myrow['season']) == 4)
    $season_short = $myrow['season'];
    $season_short2 = intval($myrow['season'])+1;
    $season = $myrow['season'].'-'.$season_short2;
    $season_short = substr($myrow['season'],0,4);
    $season = $myrow['season'];
  $result = mysql_query ("SELECT association,name,season,o25_ft FROM competitions WHERE status='Active' && (season='$season' || season='$season_short') ORDER BY o25_ft DESC LIMIT 20",$db);
  while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    $association[] = $myrow['association'];
    $league[] = $myrow['name'];
    $s[] = $myrow['season'];
    $var[] = $myrow['o25_ft'];
/* Creating the table for leagues statistics */
  echo '<p>Full Time Over 2.5 Goals</p>';
  echo '<table id="leagues_stands">';
    echo '<tr>';
      echo '<td id="s" class="blue_header">#</td>';
      echo '<td id="xl_header" class="blue_header">League</td>';
      echo '<td id="m" class="blue_header">%</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
  $i = 0;
  $n = 1;
  while (isset($var[$i]))
    echo '<tr>';
      echo '<td id="s" class="blue_odd">'.$n.'</td>';
      echo '<td id="xl_body" class="blue_odd"><a href="overview.php?association='.$association[$i].'&&competition='.$league[$i].'&&season='.$s[$i].'">'.$association[$i].' '.$league[$i].'</a></td>';
      echo '<td id="m" class="blue_odd">'.number_format($var[$i],1).'%</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    if (isset($var[$i]))
      echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td id="s" class="blue_even">'.$n.'</td>';
        echo '<td id="xl_body" class="blue_even"><a href="overview.php?association='.$association[$i].'&&competition='.$league[$i].'&&season='.$s[$i].'">'.$association[$i].' '.$league[$i].'</a></td>';
        echo '<td id="m" class="blue_even">'.number_format($var[$i],1).'%</td>';
      echo '</tr>';
  echo '</table>';
  echo '</td>';
  echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
    <?php include ("blocks/right.php"); ?>
    <?php include ("blocks/footer.php"); ?>
var myTable = document.getElementById("leagues_stands");
var rows = myTable.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
    rows[i].onmouseover = function() {
        this.style.backgroundColor = "#FF0000";
    rows[i].onmouseout = function() {
        this.style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF";
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#h2h {width:630px; margin-top:5px; border-width: 1px 0 0 1px; border-spacing:0; border-collapse:collapse; border-style:solid; border-color:#00AED1;}
#h2h td {border-width: 0 1px 1px 0; border-style:solid; border-color:#00AED1;}

Interesting fact is that when I include in the code the method alert("It is working!"); the alert message displays in both cases, except changing the color (working only when CSS file is removed).

var myTable = document.getElementById("leagues_stands");
var rows = myTable.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
    rows[i].onmouseover = function() {
        this.style.backgroundColor = "#FF0000";
        alert("It is working!");
    rows[i].onmouseout = function() {
        this.style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF";

It's probably because your table cells in the league_stands table all have either blue-even, blue-odd, or blue-header as CSS classes. All of those classes provide background-colors that are probably overriding your JavaScript. Maybe what you should could try instead is create a new CSS class for the hover state and apply that to the row and cells via JavaScript instead of directly applying a background color. What I mean is something like this:


/* CSS */
league-stands-active {
    background-color: #FF0000;


var myTable = document.getElementById("leagues_stands");
var rows = myTable.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
    rows[i].onmouseover = function() {
        // add the CSS class
        this.className += ' league-stands-active';
    rows[i].onmouseout = function() {
        // remove the CSS class
        this.className = this.className.replace(/league-stands-active/,'');

are you sure you've saved your files in utf-8 charset format since you are so eager in instructing the interpreter what chaset is to be used when parsing your content?

Yes, the files are in utf-8 charset format.

I realised that the background color applied to <td> with CSS overwrites the background color applied to <tr> with Javascript. So that I removed the classes from <td> and placed them to <tr>:

/* Creating the table for leagues statistics */
  echo '<p>Full Time Over 2.5 Goals</p>';
  echo '<table id="leagues_stands">';
    echo '<tr>';
      echo '<td id="s" class="blue_header">#</td>';
      echo '<td id="xl_header" class="blue_header">League</td>';
      echo '<td id="m" class="blue_header">%</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
  $i = 0;
  $n = 1;
  while (isset($var[$i]))
    echo '<tr class="blue_odd">';
      echo '<td id="s">'.$n.'</td>';
      echo '<td id="xl_body"><a href="overview.php?association='.$association[$i].'&&competition='.$league[$i].'&&season='.$s[$i].'">'.$association[$i].' '.$league[$i].'</a></td>';
      echo '<td id="m">'.number_format($var[$i],1).'%</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    if (isset($var[$i]))
      echo '<tr class="blue_even">';
        echo '<td id="s">'.$n.'</td>';
        echo '<td id="xl_body"><a href="overview.php?association='.$association[$i].'&&competition='.$league[$i].'&&season='.$s[$i].'">'.$association[$i].' '.$league[$i].'</a></td>';
        echo '<td id="m">'.number_format($var[$i],1).'%</td>';
      echo '</tr>';
  echo '</table>';

Javascript code works and it is as follows:

var myTable = document.getElementById("leagues_stands");
var rows = myTable.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
    rows[i].onmouseover = function() {
        this.style.backgroundColor = "#FF0000";
    rows[i].onmouseout = function() {
        this.style.backgroundColor = "#CCFFFF";

The problem now is other. The table rows are of two different colors, and I need them to be as they were before, after the mouse is out of the row. I have tried to use getElementsByClassName, but it does notwork.

What can be done?

I have found the solution. I think because getElementsByTagName provides an ARRAY of ALL the tags found, I can only check through the respective array for the tags that belong to a certain class. Thus I bring here the Javascript code that finally is working:

var rows = document.getElementById("leagues_stands").getElementsByTagName("tr");
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
  if(rows[i].className == "blue_odd") {
    rows[i].onmouseover = function() {
      this.style.backgroundColor = "#00AED1";
    rows[i].onmouseout = function() {
      this.style.backgroundColor = "#CCFFFF";
  else if(rows[i].className == "blue_even") {
    rows[i].onmouseover = function() {
      this.style.backgroundColor = "#00AED1";
    rows[i].onmouseout = function() {
      this.style.backgroundColor = "#9FEEEE";
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